Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] be the " in BNC.

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1 It would also seem that the time before adoption for such children is quite long , that some for whom adoption was the plan will not be adopted even though they will stay with their new families , and that long-term support by specialist workers will be necessary for many of these children .
2 What went wrong in my case was the timing .
3 Chris Phillipson , for example , recognizing the precedents to be found in earlier centuries , and acknowledging the ‘ historical consistency ’ of attitudes to older people as a reserve army of labour , maintains , nevertheless , that ‘ what is peculiar to our period is the scale of marginalization and the increase in the number of people directly involved ’ .
4 High on their list are the need for a genuine and popular democracy ; the removal of the US bases ; an easing of the foreign debt burden ; genuine land reform ; environmental protection and industrialization that benefits Filipinos rather than foreign corporations .
5 John Wesley could admire the correctness with which " an unlearned tinner speaks extemporare " , but more typical of his class was the reaction of one of his opponents in a letter to the Bishop of Exeter .
6 Typical of his account is the picture he gives of the festival held at the great Sufi shrine of the Qadam Sharif , which sheltered the supposed Footprint of the Holy Prophet .
7 Is it surprising that against a background as inchoate as this a new and virile movement should have arisen , central to whose belief is the power and reality of the Holy Spirit ?
8 Central to their challenge was the doctrine of justification by faith alone , or solafidianism ( from the Latin sola fide — ‘ by faith alone ’ ) .
9 Central to his argument is the claim that the course of events is principally to be explained in terms of the social needs of a society , needs which ultimately rest upon the forces of production .
10 Remembered now for his friendships with Coleridge , Wordsworth , and Humphry Davy , as central to his biography was the fact recorded by his Stowey epitaph , that he remained the ‘ enlightened Friend of the Poor ’ .
11 But predominant in her mind was the unsettling effect her companion seemed to be having on her .
12 The work dearest to his heart was the development of the Retreat House at Wydale Hall near Scarborough , for which he made money available , encouraged the nuns , Sisters of the Holy Paraclete , who ran it , and was grateful when he saw more and more people go there to say their prayers .
13 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
14 But alive in her memory was the friendship with Modi .
15 That in my view is the appropriate sanction .
16 Those who ignored the role of adaptation were able to flourish at the same time as those for whom adaptation was the primary consideration , because the range of problems that could attract research funding allowed both approaches to find suitable niches for themselves .
17 The Falangists fell mostly into the first category , while Great Britain was the model society for those for whom monarchy was the ultimate political goal .
18 Between 1981 and 1984 , the number of those for whom self-employment was the main employment rose by almost 0.5 million to a little over 2.5 million — a growth to 11.2 per cent of the total employment figures .
19 Even more damaging to their theory is the fact that sports spectator disorder is not always synonymous with economic problems .
20 Even more damaging to his popularity was the controversial visit to Canada .
21 ‘ The talent required to drive a machine to the ultimate of its ability is the same as always .
22 1 In your opinion was the March Revolution a spontaneous uprising ?
23 It could scarcely be more vivid in their memories than it is in mine , but what is also vivid in my memory is the aftermath of those events , which was the Government 's sensible accommodation of the fears and anxieties that had been expressed .
24 By this he means that the principle he had known as dominant in his life was the principle of sin and the death to which it inevitably led .
25 Rather less ideological in its programme was the British Fascisti formed in 1923 by Rotha Lintorn Orman .
26 More directly relevant to our case is the fact that , through the acceptance of rules setting up authorities , people can entrust judgment as to what is to be done to another person or institution which will then be bound , in accordance with the dependence thesis , to exercise its best judgment primarily on the basis of the dependent reasons appropriate to the case .
27 Probably most significant for our enquiry is the progress of audio CD players .
28 Even his way of throwing his money about , what he has of it , is immediately distinguishable from Svidrigailov 's , while with both of them money is the very image of merely imputed and therefore reversible value in a loose-end world : ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like . ’
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