Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This organisation happily ploughs a furrow totally at odds with the notion of free trade , by making it as difficult as Possible for non-German companies to sell their wares in Germany without DIN approval — even where EEC law says that the only approval necessary is from the country of origin .
2 By reducing the scope of the enquiry we make more certain the worth of what we are doing ( always assuming , of course , that the study itself is well conducted ) , and by describing carefully what we do we make it possible for other researchers to duplicate our own study or conduct a similar one with slightly different variables .
3 Secondly , and more importantly , the fact that some courts get by with comparatively few custodial sentences suggests that it would be perfectly possible for other courts to reduce their custody rates to this level , and thereby reduce the prison population .
4 I am here partly because I was fortunate enough to have the happiest and healthiest of childhoods and I see it as a very happy obligation to try to do my best to ensure that all over the world it is possible for other children to enjoy something of what I had .
5 But this would itself be merely an instance of the general fact that with most sentences it is possible for two people to understand them but disagree about their truth .
6 My love , no longer inhibited by his existence , presented itself with all the understanding required to bring us together again — the gentleness , the words , the small gestures that make it possible for one person to reveal himself to another and two people to share life .
7 It is not possible for certain types to screen themselves fully , because the noise prevents this .
8 Although such measures had been and were still attacked , by the COS for example , for discouraging parental responsibility , it was equally arguable that they strengthened such responsibilities by making it possible for poor families to carry them out .
9 She was wondering if it was true , if he could somehow arrange her release ; doctors had ordered her internment , so surely it was possible for another doctor to end it .
10 It is possible for local authorities to organise their elderly people 's accommodation provision in such a way as to gain the concessionary licence .
11 So they are , in a sense ( to be disputed on other grounds in a later chapter ) , but they are also molecules , and it is possible for human chemists to purify them , bottle them and store them on a shelf .
12 It was normal for large houses to carry their own petrol pumps and fire appliances .
13 Its general secretary , Christine Hancock , said : ‘ The investment in primary health care and the six specialty reviews make it unnecessary for any nurse to lose her job . ’
14 I hope she will be grateful for this opportunity to improve her character .
15 British subjects who were too old or otherwise unsuitable for active service found their way to the Pioneer Corps .
16 Erm what I have in mind to do my Lord , is to open the case now for you to indicate the scope of erm and will you then know , agreed that we would invite you to adjourn that for some time to enable you do some reading of the witness statement and expert 's reports because of course they are long and that would take considerable amount of with your Lordship is able to familiarise himself with the matter which is contained therein .
17 This was the closest she had ever ventured to him , and she was forcefully aware of masculine warmth and cleanliness and an indefinable something else — an aura , almost — that for some reason made her nerve ends prickle warningly .
18 Teachers are asked to complete this for each child to show their attainment .
19 The UK 's largest friendly society , Family Assurance , has joined forces with the medical group Private Patients Plan ( PPP ) to make it easier for young people to buy their first home , with a policy called Generation Builder .
20 When marital relationships have declined , or have been lost altogether it becomes far easier for older people to suppress their sexual needs , to feel that they are unnatural and unwanted .
21 The student will no doubt come across scores in which these numbers are exceeded ( e.g. among the works of Wagner , Strauss , Mahler , Stravinsky , Holst , etc. ) , but the above specification is , as we have said , the normal one and it is inadvisable for economic reasons to expand it unless , of course , extra instruments are absolutely indispensable for the full expression of the composer 's ideas .
22 It argued that without them : it would not be possible , in practice , to operate a system of resale price maintenance because it would be impracticable for each publisher to specify his own conditions of sale ; booksellers would find it impossible to comply with all the varied terms imposed by different publishers ; booksellers would lose their assurance that they were not being undercut ; and the Association itself could not effectively monitor individual resale agreements .
23 And half of all women think they are BETTER than men at money matters , says a survey of 1,000 women by Good Housekeeping magazine with American Express .
24 Half of these mothers said they smacked only in anger ; the remainder used smacking deliberately as a disciplinary technique .
25 Date Number of homes Number of beds 1987 169 5000 1988 200 7000 Approximately half of those homes say they offer some provision for the elderly with mental impairment .
26 ‘ We can achieve such reforms on Lebanese soil once it is free of any conqueror imposing his will on it , ’ the general said last night .
27 At half past one Geoffrey confided he was worried about Dawn Allenby .
28 Has he considered whether the western powers should purchase some of those warheads to prevent them from falling into the hands of non-nuclear powers that have no idea how to maintain or destroy them ?
29 Their needs alone would have been enough reason — were enough — for a number of us over the next three to four years to stay in a male organization , with largely male resources for mainly male callers and to join with some of those men to change it .
30 But some of these substances make their way upstream , says Greenpeace , and mix with pesticides which have leached into the water from farmland , and other chemicals from firms legally allowed to discharge into the sewage system .
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