Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is most important that arts teachers see themselves first and foremost as teachers and only after carrying out their duties in this respect to see themselves as artists .
2 It stood empty for years and then in nineteen ten some benefactor purchased it .
3 Her elder brother André , an academic painter , was fond of Jeanne and close to her .
4 Through her Cambridge years and long afterwards she simply accepted them as evidence of Esther 's eccentricity and originality — and it was not , after all , difficult to be original in a period when most female undergraduates , fresh from school and far from well off , ventured little further in terms of home-making than a cushion or a chianti bottle , a photograph or a teddy bear , a gingham frill round an orange box or a postcard collage on the wall , a modernist paper mobile or an arrangement of seaside pebbles .
5 Some twenty-five years later , when I became interested in hypnosis and then in regression therapy , I began to wonder whether my earlier fascination was because I had actually lived in Tudor times .
6 I hoped to catch Toby in the Press tent — a good bet since he kept his appearances on the course itself down to the minimum , on the grounds that his editor was not interested in golf but only in scandals that might be unearthed or invented .
7 It is his type that has been projected as a desirable up to the present time , although I feel that recently , Rottweilers in Germany have become slightly lighter in build and longer in the loin , a very workmanlike animal , designed for Schutzhund work .
8 But other concerns seem to centre around whether animals might properly be said to be happy or free from worry' , not in the sense of being healthy and free from pain but rather with the human paradigm in mind .
9 She had to revise this at Angel and again at Old Street .
10 At Evening Prayer Charles was described as among ‘ the greatest of Kings and best of men ’ .
11 The parallels drawn in the services between the sufferings of our Divine Redeemer and those of the ‘ Royal Martyr ’ , he added , were utterly repugnant to feelings of the present day , and the affirmation that King Charles was among ‘ the greatest of Kings and best of men ’ was now quite unacceptable to many excellent members of the Church .
12 I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father .
13 The language used was simpler and chattier than that of Pravda or even of Trud , the main labour organ .
14 Ali sees in this attempt by Hacihasanzade to induce Kemalpasazade to accept a kadilik an example of a means whereby he was able to maintain himself in the office of kazasker ( first in that of Anadolu and then in that of Rumeli ) for twenty-five years .
15 I mean the Welsh population in percentage terms is now rising more rapidly than that of England and therefore by the year two thousand and one when the next review would take place er we er will certainly fully occupy if you like , that fifth seat in terms of the average size because Welsh Euro constituencies were during the past ten years , very slightly larger on average than those in England and so er we are moving from under representation to slight over representation for a temporary period er simply because er you know Wales is regarded as indivisible for this purpose and that 's why we welcomed this debate .
16 It is claimed to be simple for users and hard for learners , to aid readers and to hinder writers , and to speed the reading of the able while condemning the less able to semi-literacy .
17 Perhaps Kudielka simply feels their quotation of sixties ‘ Op ’ is nothing if not entirely warped , that they have reduced the formalism of artists such as Riley or Vasarely to the merely formulaic .
18 The world has changed radically since the admission of individuals such as Marx and vastly in the 40 years since the 1951 convention was drawn up .
19 It 'll be better , more straightforward with Jeff and away from home .
20 A third defendant , John Kinsella ( 48 ) an uncle of Denis Kinsella , who also lives in the Nottingham area , is charged with the other two with conspiracy to cause explosions on or before February 26 in Warrington and elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
21 In answer to ‘ obscure and spurious questions such as whether universals may exist by themselves , whether they are only in the mind , whether they exist separate from things or only with them ’ , he says that these ‘ great universals are nothing more than … common nouns … that can be applied to more than one object ’ .
22 Similar to brocade but traditionally of one colour .
23 As with all restoration projects carried out by any society , cash is the key issue and a share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of both vehicles with £1 shared available in blocks of 10 to adults and singly to children .
24 Nobody , of course , will believe it : ‘ He was such a nice man — a bit sarcastic at times but only in a playful sort of way . ’
25 It might be okay for Nutty and even for a weed like Hoomey with his crass infatuation for the hulking ex-chaser , but for a cool customer like himself it was out of character .
26 Carers are ever conscious of danger and often of restless and agitated behaviour which pervades the household .
27 Thus , we can see strikes still frequent , but becoming larger in size and longer in duration .
28 The solid-coloured , hardy breeds of central and southern France include some traditional dairy breeds now developed as suckler cows for commercial crosses , and the massive traditional draught breeds which are now so important as sires for those beef crosses , a role in which their influence has become widespread in Europe and elsewhere in recent years .
29 Eastern race vulpinus often rufous on head and especially on often unbarred tail .
30 Laughton spent a childhood largely tormented by a glandular problem which made him constantly overweight and therefore unpopular at school and indeed at home , where his early determination to become an actor met severe parental opposition .
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