Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] over its [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Holding a joint of beef before him on an outstretched arm , he would wave his free hand over its surface in a gesture approaching a mystical rite , conferring upon the excellence of his merchandise a value far in excess of what the none-too-prosperous housewives of Reine hoped to pay .
2 Wireless World almost created civil war in the audio industry at about this time over its publication of one of the first RC-coupled amplifiers .
3 Coopers & Lybrand has paid $95m in an out-of-court settlement over its work as auditor to Miniscribe , the bankrupt hard disk manufacturer .
4 THE Government yesterday agreed to pay £150 million in compensation to the investors of the failed Barlow Clowes group after it was castigated for ‘ substantial maladministration ’ by the Parliamentary Ombudsman over its handling of the affair .
5 Edward Boyle , who had resigned from the previous Government over its management of the Suez crisis , became his Parliamentary Secretary .
6 Supporters of the Public Service Ideal will be disappointed by our finding that television news is biased towards the incumbent government , and alarmed by our evidence that the tabloid press has such a powerful influence over its readers at election time .
7 The latest victims are Allan Ludman and Nicholas Coch , whose Physical Geology has a slight edge over its competitors in that it includes a series of rather handsome colour plates .
8 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
9 In other words , it was the settled view of European law , at that stage in its development , that upon accession , a member state abandoned sovereign control over its affairs to the extent that they fell within the purview of the Treaty of Rome , as interpreted by the European Court of Justice .
10 In fact it provided the industry with more control over its environment by making conflicts over environmental damage an administrative problem whose outcome could be predicted by corporate executives .
11 Even the USA , which in the 1980s still seemed sufficiently vast and dominant to deal with its economic problems without taking any notice of anyone else , at the end of that decade became aware that it ‘ had ceded considerable control over its economy to foreign investors … ( who ) now hold the power to help keep the US economy growing , or to help plunge it into recession ’ ( The Wall Street Journal , December 5 , 1988 , p1 ) .
12 The housebuilding industry has caused considerable controversy over its campaign for new , private country towns and villages as a solution to the housing problems of the south east .
13 Sir Frank also acknowledges that British ships had not been adequately defended against Exocet , and that there could not have been any control over its sale to third parties as British firms supplied only components .
14 After a couple of moves I gained the crest of this and draped a big sling over its tip before setting off on a journey of discovery down the other side of the offending obstacle .
15 To date the U S have been able to count on diplomatic backing from the Soviet Union over its stand against Iraq ; but Bush would like them to take a more active military role in the Gulf .
16 After consultations with other Western governments the United States adminstration on April 24 drew back from any punitive measures against the Soviet Union over its blockade of Lithuania ( officials having previously hinted at possible limited economic sanctions ) , when President Bush gave a clear indication at a press conference that the administration considered Gorbachev 's political survival and good Soviet-US relations to be more important than Lithuanian independence , explaining : " I am concerned that we do not inadvertently compel the Soviet Union to do something that would set back the whole process of freedom around the world . "
17 It paid the RTC $41m last year over its work on the Lincoln S&L and faced a $560m claim over Arthur Young 's work on the Western Savings Association of Texas .
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