Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] who have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 She looked into the eyes of this human peacock and found herself at a complete loss for words ; and he too seemed surprised by this girl who had agreed to be his bride : he looked up at her ( she was half a head taller than he ) in a way that she might have interpreted as hostile had she not been in too much of a turmoil herself to notice it .
2 Erich Honecker , the former East German leader who had fled to the Soviet Union in March [ see p. 38110 ] , sought refuge in the Chilean embassy in Moscow on Dec. 12 .
3 On Nov. 12 Erich Honecker , 80 , the former East German leader who had returned to Germany in July 1992 [ see p. 39023 ] , and five of his colleagues went on trial in a Berlin state court .
4 The immediate reason for the outbreak of war was the French king 's confiscation of the Duchy of Aquitaine on the ground that Edward was harbouring Robert of Artois , a rebellious vassal of the French king who had fled to England in 1336 after being condemned as a traitor .
5 We all want to hear our distinguished visitor who has come to us to make the final arrangements with those going to Eretz — and with any others who might want to go , too ; there 's still plenty of time , it 's never too late .
6 The object of this sort of servants ' hall talk is invariably some butler who has come to the fore quite suddenly through having been appointed by a prominent house , and who has perhaps managed to pull off two or three large occasions with some success .
7 Lying dazed in the oil-stained sawdust , beside the lifeless engine , Mungo was overcome with gratitude to the old man who had responded to his fear .
8 Ten years younger than his wife , he was the youngest son of the Revd George Fyler Townesend and grandson of the Revd George Townsend [ sic ] [ q.v. ] , a redoubtable cleric who had travelled to Italy in 1850 to try to convert the pope .
9 His half-brother had been called in to act as best man in place of his real brother who had vanished to Spain .
10 Elena returns to Rudby A sporting afternoon at Stokesley tomorrow will raise money for a four-year-old Lithuanian girl who has returned to this country for medical treatment .
11 The watchers thought that the Silver Birches would certainly be a bit wild and probably without any moral sense at all and Clumhach thought he must remember to tell everyone about his great uncle who had succumbed to a Silver Birch one scandalous afternoon .
12 In particular he mentions one which his father had bought from a poor pedlar who had come to their door .
13 Lord ( Cyril ) Radcliffe , a brilliant barrister who had come to attention by his achievements in the wartime civil service , succeeded Waverley that year , and lasted until 1977 .
14 The court heard that it was a nursing auxiliary who had spoken to her about Liam after finding him alone in his room and looking pale in his incubator .
15 Uderzo 's father was an Italian lute-maker who had moved to France shortly before his son 's birth in 1927 .
16 This was the very first person who had spoken to me since we had left London .
17 They have already collected 1,000 signatures , said Mr Leeder , and had not come across one person who had objected to what they wanted .
18 VINNY CUNNINGHAM , the Irish centre who has flown to New Zealand as a British Lions replacement for the injured Scott Hastings , accepts his need to get fit in a hurry .
19 Others implicated in the coup attempt included Assadullah Sarwari , the Afghan ambassador to South Yemen ( and a former Deputy Premier and head of the country 's secret police ) , and Pacha Gol Watadar , a former minister who had defected to the mujaheddin in 1989 .
20 A review by one geographer who has contributed to the development and application of indices of soil erodibility ( Bryan , 1978 ) includes the aphorism ( Bryan , 1979 , p. 207 ) :
21 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
22 a legendary monster said to have been born to a wealthy lady who had referred to a beggar 's child as a nasty pig .
23 She had never known any woman who had survived to the age of thirty unmarried without developing a severe case of flower-patterned blouses and low-heeled blue-grey shoes .
24 The idea was developed in discussions with another manufacturer of lace-making machinery who had moved to Chard in the late 1830s , William Samuel Henson ( 1812–1888 ) , and was inspired by the aeronautical writings and experiments of Sir George Cayley [ q.v . ] .
25 She was only half Indian , her mother being a Viennese woman who had come to England as an au pair and married a doctor from Darjeeling , a surgical registrar in a Bradford hospital .
26 Later , when Aurangzeb ordered the decapitation of the naked fakir Sarmad , an Armenian Jew who had converted to Islam , the sage allegedly picked up his head and walked up the steps of the Jama Masjid .
27 It transpired the reason why I was put on the works was because there was another woman on the works with the same surname who 'd gone to Holloway for her appeal and they thought she 'd come back and had got us mixed up .
28 It was the same man who had spoken to Maurice .
29 Franz Kupka , a Czech painter who had come to Paris in 1894 or 1895 , and who lived in an adjacent studio , was also drawn into contact with the Cubists .
30 He was a much-decorated officer who had risen to high rank before an honourable retirement .
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