Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is not [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The significance of this case is not only that the House of Lords effectively over-ruled the majority decision in Candler but also that in doing this the judgment went beyond Lord Denning 's minority judgment .
2 Althugh endoscopic sclerotherapy is undoubtedly the first line of treatment today , 30% of patients fail to leave hospital alive , and even in specialist units this figure is not less than 20% .
3 No trading licence may be issued to any company which has directly or indirectly interest in an already-existing security trading company exceeding 10 per cent ( provided the direct participation is not less than 5 per cent ) .
4 Second , this account is not solely or even primarily concerned with innovations in machinery and instruments : a central part of the analysis is the organization of labour .
5 The indictment of this book is not only that the authorities have permitted certain specific excesses of which examples are described , but that they have deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both their terrorist and political opponents from their natural sympathisers .
6 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
7 Furthermore , the real difficulty is not only that costs seem to be higher in areas of sparse population , but they are also likely to increase as depopulation occurs .
8 The reason that it has received so much attention is not primarily that it is of practical importance ( although it has applications , e.g. Sections 26.2 , 26.5 , 26.6 ) , but rather that it has become a context for the development of ideas about the consequences of instability and evolution towards turbulent motion .
9 The crystallization isotherms of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) can be fitted by equation ( 11.3 ) using n = 4 above 473 K and n = 2 at 383 K. The equation should be used with caution , however , as non-integer values have been reported and the geometric shape of the morphological unit is not always that predicted by the value of n calculated from the experimental data .
10 Effective help is not always as easy or obvious a thing to give as we might like .
11 For that belief is not analytically or necessarily true ; no contradiction is implied by supposing it false .
12 However , for the purposes of the current research the important point is not necessarily whether RHT is correct but whether one of the main propositions underlying it is correct .
13 Traders may be companies with limited liability or joint-stock companies with registered shares only whose issued capital is not less than 50 million forints and whose sole object is the dealing in securities .
14 A sensible dog soon learns that barking is not enough and will attract his master 's attention in some other way .
15 Examples from our corpus confirm these observations but show that the line between mediate and immediate assistance is not always as easy to draw as Erades and Wood make it out to be .
16 Unfortunately , the general public is not yet as aware of these technical achievements as they are about the waste they dispose of in their dustbins each week .
17 That matter is not really as we perceive it has been known to chemists and physicists for over 150 years , but despite Einstein 's demonstration , and that of other atomic scientists since , that matter and energy are interchangeable , we persist in our view that physical matter is solid and stable .
18 ‘ The most disturbing feature of the underground repository is not simply that an accident might occur , ’ he said at the time , ‘ but that if it did , we might never know until its consequences reached the surface — maybe decades later . ’
19 Leaving aside the issue of sovereignty — not of the House but of the people to self-government — the devil of the single currency is not merely that the economies of the Community are simply not convergent and would be prevented from converging by a single currency , but that they are not all at the same point in their economic cycles .
20 The reason why I take such a strong line on the set-aside scheme is not merely that it is right so to do .
21 Attendance at the careers convention once each year is not enough and will in any case only reach a small proportion of the school children who may be contemplating their future .
22 Comparatively short but broad leaf is not longer than 2ins ( 5cms ) .
23 The new Agricultural Minister , John Gummer , has decided that voluntary restraint is not enough and is planning legislation now .
24 Buying goods from a reputable source is not enough as the supplier will be required to entertain elementary precautions , for example , sampling or checking the weight of the goods supplied ( s28(1) of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ) and ensuring that the system can cope with mistakes .
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