Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] in [noun prp] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A dissonant voice among the presidential addresses to the summit , Castro pledged his commitment to Latin American unification but characterized the prevailing faith in United States style models to achieve this , such as the free trade Enterprise for the Americas Initiative [ see p. 37526 ] , as " illusions " which would not alleviate such critical regional problems as poverty and unemployment .
2 After 25 years in Rosemary Lane , Thatch Hair Technique has moved to a new prestigious salon in St Albans Walk , Carlisle known as Sweaty Betty 's !
3 Another rise in EC grain intervention stocks is likely , says the Home-Grown Cereals Authority .
4 The new magazine is produced in Tyneside and printed in the region and chairman of the editorial board in Durham CIU Branch secretary Jack Amos who commented : ‘ We are very pleased with the reception the new Journal has received .
5 Sterling fell heavily in Tokyo overnight and slumped to a record low of Dm2.3235 soon after UK trading began , compelling the Bank to intervene to buy pounds on the currency markets and the Chancellor to make a statement echoing the overnight comments by Eddie George , and ruling out another cut in UK interest rates soon .
6 There will be no need for a further cut in UK interest rates , even if the Bundesbank decides to opt for cheaper money as its own recession deepens .
7 You killed him , during the journey , paid off the cab in Cheapside and left the body to be discovered by some old biddy in Liverpool Street station . ’
8 Pollution episodes continued unabated with , for example , a four-day episode in New York City in November 1966 causing 80 deaths and resulting in a state of emergency being declared by Governor Rockefeller ( figure 8.3 ) .
9 In her small workroom on the top floor of a crumbling old warehouse in Whitechapel Theresa Arnold shivered and turned on another bar of her portable gas fire .
10 An Easter Bonnet parade will be held during the weekly dance in Blackhall Community Hall on Saturday night .
11 Research Note Social Work and Police Response to Child Sexual Abuse in Scotland LORRAINE WATERHOUSE and JAMES CARNIE
12 ‘ Lizzy is at this moment in Grantley police station on a charge of possession of cannabis . ’
13 But probably a guard had spotted it and it was right now sitting in some staff-room in Queen Street station , or Gallanach .
14 At a public meeting in Barking Town Hall Wilson repeated the message to a wider audience , advising all the strikers in London to return to work , denouncing a prayer offered up on Tower Hill by the fiery Ben Tillett for the death of Lord Devonport , the Chairman of the Port of London Authority , assuring the men present that a just settlement could be achieved and declaring his intention of ordering his 4,000 London members back to their jobs .
15 We see this ambiguity in K C Wheare 's now classic book on constitutions .
16 VALE Royal Environment Network , formed a few months ago from conservation groups in the area , meets this evening in Northwich Memorial Hall at 7.30pm .
17 MEMBERS of Burton Local History Society meet this evening in Gladstone Village Hall at 8pm .
18 MEMBERS of Burton Local History Society meet this evening in Gladstone Village Hall .
19 It is accepted that change in this unilinear aspect will indeed appear in our quantified findings — as a crossover pattern which violates the pattern of stable norms ( as in Labov 's classic example of class/style overlap for post-vocalic /r/ in New York City ) , and I shall discuss examples of this in later chapters .
20 A payment made by a third party to a company 's employee , but taxable under Sch E as arising from his employment , was subject to deduction of income tax at source under the PAYE Regulations , according to the High Court in Booth v Mirror Group Newspapers plc [ 1992 ] STI 662 .
21 So held Chancery Division of the High Court in Beecham Group plc v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 980 .
22 This morning in Blackpool Mr Patten apologised for the comments , saying they were meant to be ’ satirical ’ .
23 Roy Fisher , an unemployed landscape gardener , had pleaded not guilty to raping a 28 year old woman in Oxford city centre last August .
24 It is planning to hold a public meeting this month in Warsaw city hall , to be addressed by Nicholas Ridley and possibly Mrs Thatcher .
25 Earlier this month in Canada Greg Norman recorded his first win for over two years .
26 The measures form part of a new package of environmental laws announced in the run-up to the UNCED summit in Rio de Janeiro .
27 ‘ Our aim was to start signing the agreements at 11 o'clock on the morning of 5 November , ’ said David McManus , commercial manager in LASMO North Sea , ‘ but we were held up because a director of one partner company was delayed at Milan airport by fog , while another was the victim of air traffic control problems in Oslo .
28 Linda Watson , 22 , launched the criticism against Darlington Council after being told workmen will clear a pile of rubbish outside her back door in Whorlton Moor Crescent after she moves in .
29 We have already seen this statement in St John Ackers ' postscript to the 1890 Education Act , but it has become popular again ( Van Uden , 1981 ) .
30 This solution ( used by Coyle ) led to marked improvement in ISAM file performance .
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