Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Pam was a very down-to-earth person and they thought I 'd get on well .
2 they were on about that they ship them abroad and th , they were interviewing a lad in London he said oh , he used to get up in the morning and er go down to the phone box and phone this contact they know and he 'd tell you what cars you wanted pinching this day and they pinch them to order !
3 I am afraid the latter-day Pop artists think of themselves as being a culmination of the expression of cultural realism and they regard what happened in the Sixties as a primitive expression of their more developed ideas , which seems to me far from the truth .
4 They might have something one day and you cadge it off them , and you got something another day and they cadge it off you .
5 I 've enquired of the regular users of this service and they tell me that on the following days the advertised journeys did not take place :
6 And then they and took this poor old wife and they beat her to death with the flails .
7 but erm , we 've got friends in the Methodist church and they told us things that er , you know , absolutely
8 He says ; Every child has had some training and they show me that they know what it is all about and at the end of the day they have saved a life .
9 Nan have , have you had a look at those things with er you press this thing and they pull their trousers down ?
10 But er I w I would think , although it 's before my time , I would think that er of what I 've heard my father talking about these early days , there was great enthusiasm for motorcycles and of course some of the early registered numbers you 'll find that there 's many of them were motorcycles , the young men of the town who had probably been cyclists , quite a number of them er took up this motorcycling and they made their own motorcycles so were buying either kits and er even manufacturing the tanks and these things themselves .
11 Some friends have clubbed together to buy an old van and they think they are going to drive to India .
12 I had some material and they said they would make it up into a Kamiz for me , so next time I went there I took along a garment that fitted me .
13 They know what is being produced for future publication and they know who 's buying , and for how much .
14 Gloucester needed an early score , an early lead and they got it after just 9 minutes when they won a penalty right in front of the posts .
15 Oakland 's Dave Henderson scored the A's first run with a homer in the second inning and they scored their second on a single by Dave Parker .
16 It 's only a little bit and they take it off your lip with it as well .
17 Barnsley always looked threatening on the aerial front and they made it count when Brendan O'Connell arrived at the back post to bury a Wayne Biggins cross with a power header .
18 So , we 're in a pretty strong position to make acquisitions if they appear at the right price and they fit our strategic framework .
19 We could n't get it forward properly , we could n't pass to each other and they had I think they still only had one chance second half and managed to squeeze it in to get a point .
20 Er , I actually had two stillborn babies , one one year after each other and they put me on Valium and it did n't do me any good at all !
21 Then there was always the harvest home dance , and then the school , that was the only place we had to dance in that day and they had it decorated with various kinds of the the the c corn dollies and erm
22 8e Lawrence admitted : ‘ We watched them play that day and they slaughtered us .
23 he had , he had a definite attitude problem so they said they would relieve him of his contract oh that 's fair enough , they 're paying you good money and they expect you to work hard and that 's it but we finish at one o'clock next term
24 Swindon are a good side and they think they have a right to win as do Leicester …
25 ‘ The players are all in confident mood and they know I demand 100% concentration on this task .
26 And then they had all hooted with laughter and teased him mercilessly when they 'd arrived , because she had n't been seen all evening and they knew he was deeply disappointed .
27 They are still more puzzled as I wish them good evening and they recognise my Scots accent , As I quickly follow behind the French Commandos I hear one Canadian say to the other .
28 Er , yeah , they had a big electrical drill and they screwed them to the roof with those .
29 I told me mates it was a sure thing and they emptied their pockets and put every last halfpenny on you and that horse of your'n .
30 Joe and I mean I come a long way and they said he told them I wan na pop in Friday morning before we go He was surprised He said well I were n't surprised , I said but er you know I want a name yeah well , he just said well I ca n't he ca n't fault me on anything .
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