Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [that] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 If you 've still got that cough and that it 's just
2 Mr Poynor noted that a ‘ naturalistic/realistic ’ style of acting is required for this play and that it is interesting for actors to ‘ play against character . ’
3 But critics say that the project failed to recognize the diversity of the US scientific community and that it is very difficult for any non-governmental group to bring about significant and lasting change .
4 There is still a feeling , and rightly so , that every firm owes some responsibility to its members and their dependants in this respect and that it is not enough to leave it to the individual partner to make his own arrangements .
5 And so in conclusion I looking at it and the exhibitions we 've made to you and to the county in the course of the consultation draft is that this county does not need this policy and that it is in fact an insidious and repressive kind of policy that it contrary to national planning guidance and should not be included in the alterations .
6 If the assumption of opportunism is something you regard as an unnecessarily cynical view of human nature , note that its importance requires only that some , not all , people behave in this way and that it is difficult to tell who is opportunistic and who is not .
7 I therefore think that [ the ] motion is out of place at this time and that it is proposed for a certain purpose .
8 Bearing in mind the figures and the fact that French farmers regularly burn lorry loads of English lamb and Italian grapes with complete impunity and that it is not possible for an English lorry firm to go to Germany and to load up with goods to bring back to the United Kingdom , should not the European Community try to walk before it tries to run ?
9 I believe that the publication of these results will cause people to focus on the reasons for the low standards in some places , except for hon. Members representing Bradford and Newham — the two lowest scoring local authorities — whose reaction is that one should not have such testing and that it is merely a problem forced on the local authority .
10 We conclude that choledocholithiasis is part of the psectrum of primary sclerosing cholangitis and that it is not necessary to invoke choledocholithiasis as the initial lesion of the bile ducts in such patients .
11 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
12 We are now in a position to set up a computerised database of these groups , but before proceeding any further and given the time-lapse since the original proposal to establish such a facility , I wonder if you could confirm that this would still be a useful tool and that it is within the original thinking .
13 I consider that I B M strives to be a good employer and that it 's long established belief in respect for the individual has shaped our personal policies to reflect these needs within our community , and for example , our equal opportunity principles prevent us from considering race , colour or sex , when offering someone employment or promotion .
14 We still believe that there 's going to be a kingdom over in Israel and that David Koresh is going to come back and be the head of that kingdom and that it 's going to be a peaceful place as prophecized in the Bible .
15 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
16 They should , however , be informed by principles and insights drawn from linguistics — for example , the idea that language in all its diversity can be approached in a non-prescriptive , non-judgmental way and that it is possible to treat systematically and objectively an aspect of human life which is often the focus of emotive and prejudiced reactions .
17 The hon. Gentleman should remember that manufacturing output fell under the last Labour Government and that it is up under this Government .
18 Is the Home Office alleging or claiming that an emergency has arisen since the Conservative party conference , that the Bill must be completed in one day and that it is inconceivable that it could be improved in Committee ?
19 Certainly there 's a very strong feeling that common sense is not something erm that can be trained by a training in political science and that it 's valuable .
20 But did you know that not everyone celebrates Christmas at the same time and that it 's not always Father Christmas who delivers the presents ?
21 ‘ I think it 's a nasty job and that it 's very degrading , but it 's there . ’
22 I am afraid that we are assuming too much from this proposed change and that it is a little too simplistic — a sort of professional defamation from those who believe that applying law and order is the only way of solving what are , in part , deep-seated social problems .
23 This also states that the individuals concerned must be in an intense relationship and that it is impossible or very difficult for the victim to ‘ escape from the field ’ .
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