Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [art] [noun] rather " in BNC.

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1 Channel 4 said that the word was used to describe that part of the body rather than gratuitously to offend …
2 In my experience of doing exams , and I 'll talk to you about revision techniques in a minute , erm generally you 're better off to have a broad coverage of a syllabus rather than having a shallow one , right ?
3 Statements of what people intended to get out of the policy-making process are generally something that has to be established on the basis of careful examination of the evidence rather than on the basis of assumptions about interests .
4 Consequently , many people find the unsmiling face of a horse rather expressionless which encourages them to think that horses are virtually emotionless — that they only have two emotions : ears forward , and the horse is happy ; ears back , and he is bad tempered .
5 Thus the peaks and troughs of the two curves match , illustrating the obvious conclusion that military policy-makers should be seeking ways of increasing the deterrent capabilities of their armed forces in the lower-intensity bands at the right-hand half of the spectrum rather than in the higher-intensity bands at the left-hand end .
6 We preferred to evaluate overall clearance of the oesophagus rather than the specific effects of swallowing because the amplitude of contractions after swallowing in patients with abnormal peristalsis is below the minimum effective strength for clearance .
7 In the case of Demerara , removal of the slaveholders ' symbol of authority , the whip , by government , without adequate attention to the moral education of the slaves , it was implied , vindicated the evolutionary approach of the reformers rather than challenged it .
8 The simple margin method has the disadvantage of amortizing the discount or premium on the FRN in a straight line over the remaining life of the bond rather than at a constantly compounded rate .
9 The final chapter describes 57 actual procedures for preparing and using various oxidation reagents , and the emphasis is very much on the synthetic usefulness of the reactions rather than on their mechanisms .
10 The first half of 1988 showed an increase of that loss to £12m , but as Marsden points out , you need to take a yearly view of the business rather than a 6-month snapshot so such figures can be misleading .
11 The various techniques described and proforma letters set out in section 11 are intended to provide a helpful aid to the smooth running of the sale rather than to prescribe standard procedures and formats .
12 Work experience for teachers will help them to plan work experience for students as an integrated part of the curriculum rather than an add-on to provide some relief for the teacher but of little advantage to the student and an inconvenience for business .
13 His normally responsive facial expression was firmly controlled ; an Oxford contemporary remembered that for all its serenity an observer seemed ‘ to be gazing upon some great portrait of a face rather than upon a face ’ .
14 After a flight to the east , meetings should take place in the latter half of the daytime rather than in the morning by new local time .
15 Since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 the granting of planning permission for rural housing has arguably been concerned with the visual quality of the countryside rather than with alleviating problems of housing need .
16 Various reasons are suggested to explain the resurgence in recent years but the weight of opinion is that it is operational problems that are at fault rather than technical deficiencies — for example , poor application of the insecticide rather than resistance to it and organisational shortcomings rather than aberrant behaviour of vectors .
17 To encompass all these parameters , it is currently fashionable to describe the person as responding in terms of his mental model of the situation rather than to the situation itself .
18 The hallucinations move independently of the eyes , suggesting that the patterns are generated in the visual cortex of the brain rather than on the retina .
19 If you make your choice of races by the scenic nature of the route rather than the needs of the organisers , you probably wo n't be excited by this one .
20 The glaive was another variant of the bill , but its cutting edge was along the convex curve of the blade rather than the concave ; this weapon also developed hooks and spurs on the base of the blade for specialist purposes .
21 The consistency of these distortions and the immediacy with which they occur convinced the Gestalt psychologists that they were dealing with a fundamental property of the brain rather than something that we have learned .
22 But when he handed her a cup of coffee and sat down opposite she saw that his face held the cool , ascetic look of a lawyer rather than the heated sensuality of a lover .
23 They formed , in theory , a private army of his own , for though Louis XIV paid them they were organised into regiments under Irish officers , but William preferred to have them confronting him openly on the far side of the Channel rather than lurking , disaffected , in his rear on the other side of the Irish Sea .
24 4.2 Learning Outcomes have been amended to reflect the actual competences the student will have on successful completion of a module rather than reflecting knowledge acquired by the student .
25 In addition , there was a strong tendency for the remaining pauses to occur in the first half of a clause rather than the second half .
26 They do not place themselves inside or outside the Renaissance by anything they actually do : it is we who place them there ( or exclude them therefrom ) by opting for one definition of the term rather than another .
27 Similarly with regard to misrepresentations made , it was held in Overbrooke Estates Ltd v Glencombe Properties Ltd [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1335 ( followed by the Court of Appeal in Collins v Howell-Jones ( 1980 ) 259 EG 331 ) , that a clause limiting the authority of auctioneers and the firm 's employees to make or give representations or warranties , fell outside the scope of the original version of s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , since it was a limitation on the apparent authority of the auctioneers rather than an exemption clause .
28 Sometimes the historical background makes the law more intelligible , or supports one interpretation of the law rather than another .
29 Mr Menin said extremist right wing groups ‘ promote the idea of nationalism on the narrowest sense of the word rather than the love of our country . ’
30 … evidence of discrimination was primarily on the basis of type of household and the marital status of the carer rather than on the gender of the carer …
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