Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] he had [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 It was an old thing he had had for years but only recently learnt to use , taught by one of the boatswains in Taheb 's fleet .
2 Gould also made a considerable name for himself at home , finally attaining the scientific status he had yearned for as an ornithologist , on or off the field .
3 This would entail a sixty-mile round trip for us , but who cared if he could be freed of that perpetual pain he had suffered for so long ?
4 Oh , was not this delightful , to hurt again the girl who had rejected him , the girl who when all was said and done would have been a greater prize than the vulgar woman he had married for her money ?
5 Asshe himself sat in the midst , the long grey beard he had grown for Lear spreading out abundantly , his white hair wild as though on the blasted heath .
6 But by then Gerrard was facing George again , an expression of great seriousness replacing the wry look he had produced for the audience .
7 The evening terminated with the members singing ‘ For he 's a jolly good fellow ’ to Micky Watson in appreciation of the considerable work he had done for the Club .
8 His letters to Helen , in particular , uncover the head for business , the punctilious sense of irritable rightness , and the concomitant sudden bouts of self-distrust that marched alongside his desire for an extended life of idealized perfection , similar to the intense moments of joyful peace he had discovered for himself during walks .
9 Cellulose flake manager was 46 when he obtained his NEBOSH qualification — the first exam he had sat for 26 years .
10 We completed the film during the early summer of 1979 and in August Mountbatten was granted the quick but not peaceful death he had asked for when his boat was blown up by an IRA bomb off the west coast of Ireland .
11 He twisted to shield himself , tried to pull himself round and use that big machine-gun he had carried for so long .
12 Later in that year he had taught for seven weeks in the school ( a replacement master could not start immediately ) and had been paid £7 .
13 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
14 A deeper allegiance than his love for the children of the Anglo-Irish landlord he had worked for since he was a homeless lad knocking at the kitchen door to ask for a cup of tea and an odd job .
15 As a young man he had worked for GenSyn as a commodity slave , his time and talents bought by them on a fifteen-year contract .
16 Sok Hay , the 35-year-old head of propaganda for the Kampot People 's Committee , proudly showed the two-storey villa he had bought for 20,000 riels ( £65 ) .
17 It was a bay horse on its side , and the waving object he had taken for a branch was a leg which in its faint struggles to rise the beast threshed weakly in the air .
18 ‘ But , ’ says West , ‘ it lost its magic and disturbing quality — and from that time on , he began to respond much more to what the audience expected him to be — and much less to all the original feeling he had shown for it . ’
19 The last thing he had wished for was to hurt the old man , but it could not be helped .
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