Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] with [noun prp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia .
2 Baker also announced that the USA would enter into a direct dialogue with Vietnam over the issue of Cambodia and that it might be prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the SOC government .
3 PRESIDENT Yeltsin consolidated his authority yesterday by persuading Russia 's highest parliament to shelve an attempt to trim his powers and by defusing a dangerous row with Ukraine over the Black Sea Fleet .
4 The Bolger government was further discomfited by renewed tension with France over the Rainbow Warrior affair .
5 Mubarak reportedly emphasized the " pressing " need for pan-Arab unity in the face of a possible renewed confrontation with Israel over the resettlement of Soviet Jews in its occupied territories , at a time when the US-sponsored peace formula for the region had been rejected by Israel .
6 By 1970 , with the passing of the old empire , these were all over , and only the totally unexpected war with Argentina over the Falklands in 1982 interrupted what was one of the longest periods of unbroken peace that Britain had known since the later middle ages .
7 Kasmin had more success with Fischer over the promotion of Francis Bacon .
8 Notwithstanding the official explanations , most observers interpreted the move as a display of Russian displeasure over Japan 's relentless pursuit of its territorial dispute with Russia over the Northern Territories .
9 Within a few years most of its nominal 100 ships of the line were unfit for sea , although by 1770 a new conflict with Spain over the Falkland Islands seemed likely .
10 Following Britain 's recent dispute with China over the stationing of People 's Liberation Army troops in Hong Kong after 1997 , Whitehall has been at pains to keep its distance from the immigration row .
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