Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] about [noun pl] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the reasons for increasing public concern about odours is because industry of all types , from animal husbandry to chemical plants has had to become more concentrated because of ‘ economies of scale ’ , and the chemical industry in particular has also extended its range of manufactured chemicals .
2 The crucial point about CAMs is that they can provide specific adhesion between cells , and that cells express different CAMs at different stages in development .
3 And the central point about localities is that they provide the context in which these combinations of social processes take place and in which people act as a result of such combinations .
4 The other unfortunate thing about lifts is that they are always breaking down , and if you are in your seventies , prone to arthritis and live on the seventeenth floor , it means that you are frequently housebound .
5 The good thing about cruises is that you always have the ship 's staff to help you if you have a problem and there are always guided tours laid on at every port of call .
6 The good thing about friends is that you can choose them with consummate care and I never chose mad ones or nasty ones or boring ones , whereas you ca n't choose who you 're going to fall in love with .
7 The only good thing about mistakes is that you 're supposed to learn from them — not go on making them ! ’
8 The great thing about teddies is that you can love them … or leave them but you can never ignore them forever
9 The great thing about families is that they keep your feet firmly on the ground — sometimes more firmly than you 'd like .
10 The important thing about notes is that you understand them .
11 The most important thing about stars is that they work for you , so simply turn to page 152 and see for yourself .
12 I sha n't force you to but erm it 's an important document and the biggest problem about wills is that when anybody gets to look at it you 're not around to say what you meant .
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