Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] which [vb past] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The canal engineer William Jessop was largely responsible for this pioneering work which had been in prospect ever since the Stuart period .
2 The plaintiff drank the ginger beer , and when a second glass was poured for her by her friend a decomposing snail which had been in the bottle floated out .
3 When Liz 's parents had both been tragically killed in an air crash over Paris Liz — an eleven-year-old orphan — had come to live with Laura and her parents in the old stone manor house , part of a large estate which had been in the Harding family for generations .
4 Parliament on June 12 , 1991 , approved a constitutional amendment to allow female members of the royal family to succeed to the throne , thus overturning the male-only succession which had been in place since Belgian independence .
5 The immediately following articles give the newly independent State the right to succeed to any treaty which had been in force in its territory , regardless of the wishes of any other party to the treaty .
6 This port was frequently a target for Iraqi attacks , if only because of the intermittently suspended Japanese-Iranian petrochemical plant which had been under construction there for some years .
7 The British Consul , Brown , advised all British visitors to return home in case the island was blockaded , and a large group left the island on the Edinburgh Castle , including an important delegation from Britain 's Grand Masonic Lodge which had been in the island to attend the inauguration of a new Masonic temple .
8 The full effects of the theological liberalism which had been at work since the nineteenth century came into their own in the English-speaking world after the publication of Honest to God ( Robinson 1963 ) .
9 Instead , the presidential insignia and other symbols of government were handed over by the president of the anti-communist Polish government which had been in exile in London since 1939 , Ryszard Kaczorowski .
10 Labelled ‘ bankrupt ’ the whole family which had been at one with their neighbours found themselves set apart .
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