Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , that money that I took to the taxi rank this morning .
2 Do you con will you continue that story that I listened to a week before cos I was n't here last week
3 B minor , Campra 's key of unhappy love , serves for the quasi-dialogue in which Dido begs Aeneas to stay , his reluctant departure at the bidding of the gods , and her vain plea that he return to her ( movements 7–9a ) .
4 It is with the greatest possible pleasure that I write to you once more , this time to confirm that your Company 's independence has been preserved after a battle which has lasted over nine months .
5 The ideas and concepts of the prison structure in Scotland — outlined in a speech at the conference by Alan Walker , the deputy chief executive of the SPS — so impressed a Latvian delegation that they wrote to Scotland 's Minister of State , Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , asking his permission for Walker to visit the country .
6 They are simply not they do n't expect the level of sexual tension that they seem to be identifying as a problem in Oxford .
7 Of course , over the years we 've campaigned , as I was telling someone only yesterday in another club that I go to at the church , that I said you know we , the Co-op Womens ' Guild , were helping to put water into Africa before any of this Band-aid and Live-aid was thought about .
8 It was in a similarly reflective vein that he wrote to Marion Dorn later in the year .
9 When the name was officially changed the term ‘ non-objective ’ fell into general disfavour , possibly because of a public mis-perception that it referred to art without a purpose .
10 That old boy that I spoke to , when his he was with his daughter , I said you give me my bloody keys and you money !
11 The last folly was finished in nineteen thirty-six and provoked such a public outcry that it led to the first-ever planning inquiry .
12 Penny , tuppence , three ha'penny returns and every denomination of tickets was recorded so that you so showed the erm number of tickets , erm it was possible for a at the end of the week to record what the takings were , per route and the mileage and so , as I told you before , the mileage played a great importance in that you were able to say how much that route was producing per mile run and the erm , in those days it , the erm the receipts worked out , daily receipts , weekly receipts and the progressive total in that year , were always published by the Ipswich Evening Star , round about Tuesday or Wednesday and if you missed them , there 'd be somebo member of the public ringing up to why , answer why you had n't put it in , it was , you know , looked upon then you were , were public transport and the public team that you belonged to them .
13 For the moment she was so shocked by Charlotte 's naked , sexual jealousy that she forgot to be frightened by the storm .
14 Wordsworth discovered and established those kinds of poetry which would best suit him ; it is in the German period that we travel to the furthest limits of the ‘ Wordsworthian ’ vision , in poems such as the ‘ Lucy ’ and ‘ Matthew ’ sequences , which are at one level blindingly clear , but in terms of prose exposition almost impossible to ‘ explain' .
15 It is with some reluctance that I have to strongly disagree with one of my fellow presidents , but some of the impressions that her article creates are very misleading and , in some cases , offensive .
16 It is only at this point that we come to the central theme , the reason why all those who wish to understand the problem of drugs in sport should read this book .
17 As the Minister responsible at the time , let me tell the hon. Gentleman that we went to great lengths to minimise the disruption caused in classrooms by the provision of necessary training related to the introduction of education reforms .
18 Alexander I rebuffed repeated advice that he come to terms with Napoleon during the French invasion .
19 That reflects two things — first , the shortened nature of this parliamentary Session , giving rise to the need to proceed with our Bills in an orderly way through Committee if we are to dispose of as many of them as possible ; and , secondly , the importance that we attach to this Bill , which is symbolic of the high priority that we give to the reform of further education , as well as higher education .
20 It was with some relief that they assented to his desire to take over outreach work in the local community .
21 erm and then the , the , the second import erm major action was about erm local government , and I think that 's really where the point which we , we 've reached a take-home message that we want to erm bring to this council .
22 This would be a feat of public agitation that he likens to the Anti-Corn Law League of the 1830s and 1840s , which successfully pressed home the case for free trade ( and caused a split in the Tory Party in the process ) .
23 It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life .
24 It 's an interesting situation that you alluded to , that people that win wars , on the whole , given enough time , are regarded as ‘ all right ’ , whereas people that lose often are cast in the role of being baddies .
25 We have a clear resolution that it objects to the new settlement on the basis that it is not needed and can not be justified .
26 Right another thing that we want to er , want to incorporate is risk or un or uncertainty .
27 I think it 's this weekend that we go to the fire station .
28 Another safeguard that it seems to me that any such policy should have should be that development of the site must be possible without breaching reasonable and appropriate environmental standards .
29 Another element that we expect to be present in the ultimate theory is Richard Feynman 's proposal that quantum theory can be formulated as a ‘ sum over histories . ’
30 Can you tell me a little bit more about this school that you went to ?
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