Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That settlement has now come through you 'll see the details in the papers er but we also want to have regard to the fact that the award for the and bridges has actually been reduced substantially by thousand pounds the total reduction in that area approach one point five million pounds .
2 Whatever its merits , however , it will have to live in the shadow of W T Stearn , whose magisterial Stearn 's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners is already out in a revised edition ( Cassell , 1992 , £16.99 , 0 304 34149 5 ) , and whose Botanical Latin has just appeared in a 4th edition ( David & Charles , £25 0 7153 0052 0 ) .
3 Mr. Howell submitted that Parliament having expressly dealt with the case of an admissions policy designed to preserve the character of the school in subsections ( 3 ) ( b ) and ( 6 ) , it was not open to the school ( even though over-subscribed ) to apply such a policy under section 6(3) ( a ) in selecting the applicants who were to be rejected .
4 Firstly he overlooked the fact that the European parliament had consistently voted for Brussels as a meeting place .
5 Bugs and men who study them have inspired great literature and pages and pages of nonsense But even the finest fiction has rarely improved on real life
6 For example , in the mid-1960s less than a third of the students at university were girls ; that figure has now risen to over 40 per cent and is probably still rising ( Blackstone , 1983 ) .
7 That figure has now risen to some 86 per cent. , which shows the Government 's achievement .
8 That corrosive fear has now spread through industries and professions who once felt that if they did n't have the fabled ‘ job for life ’ , they could at least be assured of adequate warning of impending unemployment , reasonable compensation , a decent level of benefit linked to their final salary , and a realistic chance of a fresh start with another company .
9 Half a century before Saxe wrote , the forces engaged in the great battles of the War of the Spanish Succession had sometimes amounted on each side to 60,000–90,000 men and the French army had been equivalent to about two per cent of the country 's population : he himself is said to have commanded 130,000 at Raucoux in 1746 and 98,000 at Lawfeldt in the following year .
10 Monetary values depend on the size of the organisation but for a company the size of Lucas Automotive the potential savings from each review have generally run into hundreds of thousands of pounds .
11 The amount of the pension is not related actuarial to the sums which each recipient has actually paid in contribution ; but the right to receive it is treated as flowing from the possession of a contribution record , and indeed the pension rates are represented as related to the contribution rates , assuming contribution over a full working life .
12 When the fixed horizontal tailplanes were examined it was found that they had failed symmetrically and the upper skin on each side had completely separated in major sections .
13 Indeed it would not be too much to say that neither woman ever really got over it ; a day before the wedding he had written to Mary Trevelyan , expressing the hope that she would remain on friendly terms both with him and his new wife , but the old intimacy had necessarily gone for ever .
14 This driver has just returned from France , after managing to get through the blockade .
15 Although this literature has now grown to gargantuan proportions , Owens has also managed to discern a number of themes and trends .
16 However , even if one takes the view that King 's Cross is essential , there are better and more appropriate ways of building and developing a new station at King 's Cross than the one that British Rail has effectively forced upon us .
17 This cinema had also capitalised on the psycho-acoustic phenomenon prevalent in rock music of suggesting heightened intensity with ‘ fuzz ’ : the speaker cone had plainly blown , rendering all dialogue and music as if through comb and paper .
18 — that British Aerospace has just won for 20 RJ70s that is especially designed for the United States market and fills a niche that no one else could have filled ?
19 Over 30% in this study had never heard of the ATB .
20 Besides contributing to a deeper comprehension of the function of to , this study has also led to a fuller understanding of the role of the category of person in the infinitive .
21 The Hussars drew their sabres to drive the unarmed men back into the river , but French artillery had already closed on the southern bank and , as soon as the Hussars went into the trot , the first roundshot slammed across the water .
22 I seem to have every form the Inland Revenue has ever published at the moment .
23 The line that the Inland Revenue has hitherto drawn between investment and trading has been exasperatingly unclear .
24 This force has always existed within Nature and has been worshipped by human beings in various forms for aeons .
25 This deal has also figured in the European Council of Ministers ' negotiations over a common mergers policy .
26 This chapter has necessarily concentrated on activity at the centre and , in doing so , demonstrated how much any local initiative depends eventually on Course-wide endorsement .
27 The contents of this chapter have scarcely touched upon such important environmental research as the World Ocean Climate Experiment or the World Climate Research Programme .
28 The words discussed so far in this chapter have all consisted of a stem plus an affix .
29 One London architectural practice has already experimented with lighting its own offices with high pressure sodium lamps ‘ bounced ’ off the ceiling .
30 Although some decrease has certainly occurred in recent years , its extent is difficult to assess accurately .
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