Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of [noun sg] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 [ I ] t appears to us that unity of interest imports the existence of joint rights and obligations .
2 This branch of medicine studies the effects of brief high-dose exposures ( as during an industrial accident ) and long-term exposures at a lower level ( but still much higher than most people would encounter ) .
3 Lawyers may also find it helpful to refer to another Department of Health publication The Care of Children Principles and Practice in Regulations and Guidance ( HMSO ) .
4 In this type of support system the front line units are considered as a layer just like all the other layers .
5 In this type of design situation the company 's activity is centred around bringing out products simply to satisfy market demands .
6 This sort of language dismays the traditional ranks of SPD supporters , especially the big trade unions , who fear their voice within the party is being muffled .
7 Even during this period of labour shortage the fear of unemployment was ever present and remained a reality in certain occupations and regions , for example on Merseyside and Clydeside .
8 But while his writing on mass culture might be used to place on the historical agenda of television theory the idea of difference and of the avant garde , the particular forms which that idea might take for television at the end of the twentieth century can not be predicted from his work .
9 However through this radicalization of land reform the Party had learnt valuable lessons and that was the impossibility of egalitarianism with the demands of middle peasants which could n't they conflicted one another .
10 v. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants the House of Lords held that a union registered under the Trade Union Act 1871 was enough of a legal entity to be sued in tort .
11 In this version of LIFESPAN RDBI the maximum number of mappings that should ever be specified is 301 i.e. one for every user specified at the USER ACCESS , MODULE ACCESS and DC ACCESS keywords and one for the Manager .
12 However we feel that it is important that each type of service debates the issues fully , in order to reach a realistic agreed policy , which also fits in with the policies of other local services .
13 Chairman the St Albans traffic issue , the erm bus for quite a long period of time but throughout that period of time Chairman the County Council 's decision has been absolutely clear .
14 Emphasising the futility of filling up a large sheet of cartridge paper the size of a drawing board with the object you are drawing , irrespective of its proximity , Sickert insisted on the importance of never sketching the figure and the background separately , and once having gone over the original drawing faintly in outline , to put in the shadows with the side of the point of the pencil .
15 1.5 Comparison of motor types The system designer is faced with a choice between hybrid and variable-reluctance stepping motors and his decision is inevitably influenced by the application ; it is not possible to state categorically that one type is " better " in all situations .
16 Having considered the potential benefits of offering discounts for full payment of Council Tax the Council has decided for the first year that it is not beneficial and that therefore no discounts will be offered for full payment .
17 In spite of only a short period of minority government the Labour Party in the 1920s had also developed some ambitious long-term policies .
18 You would have to eat 60 a day in the UK to get your full intake of vitamin B. The Big Macs in the USA contain 6 times as much vitamin B as those in the UK .
19 He concentrates mainly on the flying , but as that , by necessity , requires a considerable amount of ground school the heavy bookwork is in there too .
20 One kind of turn alternation the ethnomethodologists describe is an adjacency pair .
21 Despite some evidence to the contrary of Third World women in EOZs organizing fierce resistance to exploitation , of a sexual as well as a general nature , the overwhelming weight of evidence SuppOns the view that most women workers in EOZs , while not necessarily enthralled by their jobs , are glad to have them and much prefer them to the alternatives on offer .
22 At the first sign of mouse activity the control panel indicates with both visual and audible alarm signals where the sensor has been activated , and a quick response by a Rentokil serviceman enables the intruder to be dealt with before harm is done .
23 But unlike the fictional presentation of speech , in critical presentation of object texts the fidelity of the representation to the original is testable .
24 For sheer quality of string sound the Juilliard Quartet probably comes out on top .
25 With the increasing impact of information technology the problem today is sometimes that there seems to be too much information rather than too little .
26 For the first year of Society operation the existing style of ticket was used , but as time went on a superior style was adopted , and these included a range of Member 's tickets as well as Complimentary and Supplementary ones .
27 It duly appeared on the front cover of Music Week the following week : BRANSON BOMBSHELL : VIRGIN CHIEF SEEKS £2OM CITY BACKING TO PUT CABLE MUSIC INTO MILLIONS OF HOMES .
28 In the northern part of N.W. Germany the Stephanian transgresses over coal bearing Westphalian ; the Stephanian contains no coal .
29 It will be clear that on any particular occasion of meaning negotiation the more familiar the schematic content or mode of communication , the less reliance needs to be placed on systemic knowledge , and vice versa .
30 Momper 's " red-green " alliance had collapsed on Nov. 15 when the AL withdrew in protest at the violent eviction by 3,000 police of several hundred ( mainly west Berliner ) squatters from 13 apartment buildings in the Friedrichshain district of east Berlin the previous day ; 300 people were arrested and over 100 injured in the clashes .
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