Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many statutes can already be summoned up on a video screen at the touch of a few buttons , and complete coverage is in the offing ; but , since the use of these computerised systems is expensive , the old-fashioned methods will long be with us .
2 The triumphant jockey , whose only previous win at Classic level was in the Italian St Leger , gave a victory salute with his whip when passing the post .
3 But that difficulty was in the end surmounted and , on the whole , the writing was easy and pleasurable .
4 I had a relatively easy morning , joining James and Cathy Lane once the 409 litres ( 90gal ) of Friesian milk was in the vat in the dairy at 7.30am ( they had risen at 5.30 to do the milking ) .
5 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
6 In surface water , the content of soluble iron is usually low , and most of that present is in the form of insoluble hydroxides or combined with organic matter .
7 That field is in no way exhausted .
8 Much of Piffetti 's work is still to be found in the royal palaces of Turin , but several superb pieces , including two exquisite pedestals , drifted off to the Quirinal in Rome , and an altar-frontal of unbelievable complexity is in the Vatican .
9 And in a week when European unity is in the spotlight , Sir Claus told the conference at Bruges in Belgium : ‘ We remain , sad to say , probably the most divisive society in advanced Europe .
10 The largest reduction was in the number of elderly casualties .
11 The literary truth is that Modernism was in the end a starved and blighted world , joylessly based on a denial that language can depict the real .
12 The first is that spring is in the air , so it 's time to dust away the winter cobwebs and treat yourself to a new look !
13 Now the country 's newest dating agency is seeking a suitable partner for 45-year-old Posy , a spurthighed tortoise which knows that spring is in the air .
14 It seemed ( see , for instance , our Interim Report , 1988 ) that , right up to the moment when the repatriation of the Cossacks began , there remained a complete and unresolved contradiction between this insistence by 5 Corps and the reiterated insistence by AFHQ that force was in no circumstances to be used .
15 Apart from the storage of two instructions to a word , the only extension to our rudimentary computer is in the provision of a second storage device or register in the data manipulation unit , the arithmetic register AR , used in conjunction with the accumulator for multiplication and division ; the need for such a register is discussed in 2.1 .
16 The secret of this trick is in the preparation of the rings by cutting and resticking them .
17 ‘ People understand this ox is in the ditch in a way I 've never heard before .
18 To suggest that enquiry methods of teaching are important at teenage level is in no way a devaluation of the role of the teacher .
19 The day we met she wore trainers , tracksuit bottoms and a striped loose top ; her shoulder-length curly hair was in a pony tail beneath a neat African-style hat .
20 The next national issue to take the form of open public discontent was in the summer of 1987 when a group of about 700 Crimean Tatars staged an unprecedented demonstration in Red Square .
21 Although this text was in no way officially commissioned , it was to be the fount of the canon law .
22 One clear change was in the status of women .
23 Secondly , he must be ‘ absolutely assured that the High Command was in a position to furnish us with the necessary men and material for the continuance of the offensive , and that not by driblets , but on a large scale ’ Thirdly , the campaign should be halted the moment ‘ we ourselves were losing more heavily and becoming exhausted more rapidly than the enemy ’ .
24 An area of particular weakness in British industry is in the sales and marketing function .
25 The , the er , single regeneration agency is taking on board the issues of things like derelict land and a number of other ways in which , for example English partnership is in the regeneration industry , and a number of other ways in which the , the government have acted to , to try to make things happen .
26 This chapter is in a sense a crucial point in the course : although the segmental material of the preceding chapters is important as a foundation , the relationship between strong and weak syllables and the overall prosodic characteristics of words and sentences are essential to intelligibility , and most of the remaining chapters of the course are concerned with such matters .
27 This analogy is in every way applicable to my concept of the stratigraphical column .
28 An RAF Warrant Officer in the Medical Administration branch , this Veteran was in the war from the start , helping to set up a field hospital .
29 Originally , projections for West German investment were in the range of DM120 billion ; actual investment has been only DM13 million .
30 While this instrument is in a way value-neutral and may be used for ends of which different commentators may approve or disapprove , it may turn out to be — is indeed intended to be — a powerful force for overdue change , increased coherence and strengthened accountability .
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