Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In England , the complete technique was applied to serious music ; in September 1935 Elisabeth Schumann recorded both parts of the Evening Prayer from Humperdinck 's Hansel und Gretel .
2 Nor , in an atmosphere of reluctance , can the initiator be confident that a participator 's initial dependence on other people 's ideas and energy will in due course be turned into well-informed independence .
3 It is apparent , therefore , that differentiation was made between male and female blood , and that circumcision , in its new casting , had some role to play in that context .
4 The parsing algorithm is based on chart-parsing techniques and works breadth-first across the input .
5 In addition , even though a fifth of total income is derived from occupational pensions , the vast majority of pensioners rely on social security either for all or for a significant proportion of their income : two-thirds of them receive 80 per cent or more of their income from this source .
6 Each part was cushioned by synovial fluid .
7 RSPCA thanks rescuers who fought for pony Rescuers who saved a foal from a watery grave were presented with top RSPCA awards at Darlington Town Hall this week .
8 Each noise is split into different frequency bands in the 20 hertz to 20 kHz range ( equivalent to the range of the human ear ) , and data about each band is fed into the system .
9 Accordingly , two entire trials for each pairing were subjected to detailed analysis .
10 Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses .
11 Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses .
12 Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses .
13 Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses .
14 Friendly support is offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses .
15 The outer layer of each hair is made of overlapping cells ( cuticles ) .
16 The second largest income is provided by other forms of external hire — whether for art exhibitions or concerts .
17 The selected affixes and function words are represented within the planning frame in phonological form , and , as we have already noted , the phonological forms of the content words have been retrieved from the lexicon : when all these phonological representations are put together under the control of the planning frame , we have the positional-level representation for the sentence , a level at which a specific sentence is represented in phonological form .
18 E. Griew , The Theft Acts 1968 – 1978 , 6th edn , Sweet & Maxwell , 1990 , 211 , wrote : [ i ] f a blackmailing demand is " made " as soon as it is spoken or dispatched beyond recall , the possibility of a case of attempted blackmail is limited to fanciful situations such as where [ the accused ] is affected by a stammer or interrupted in the act of posting .
19 Though not the most powerful punch ever thrown , Stretch 's right hook was delivered with perfect timing .
20 The too-long text is set in hard-to-read sanserif and the clincher headline reads : ‘ Honestly .
21 Speaking at its launch , the Environment Secretary , Michael Howard , said : " Not enough people yet realize just how much unnecessary damage is caused by inefficient use of energy .
22 While the military were subordinate ( having solved the problems of the frontier and the Civil War ) , the massive increase in corporate power due to industrial concentration and the expansion and unification of the national economy led to the political elite being dominated by corporate power .
23 The present results indicate that a substantial amount of this total calcium is associated with insoluble phosphate , which is in accordance with results obtained in other animal and human studies .
24 Fifty to 60 crypts from each case were divided into upper and lower portions .
25 Streat congratulated MacArthur on his ‘ momentous ’ achievements and then warned him against encouraging Japanese competition to the point where strong antagonism was aroused in western and eastern countries .
26 The poloidal field is produced in different ways , depending on what sort of machine it is .
27 Their obsessive story is told in graphic detail as they sail merrily along on an ocean liner .
28 The standard of service obtained by a lexicographer at a primary-use terminal is determined by various demands made on the configuration of equipment and software .
29 That disgust is translated into violent purging by vomiting or laxatives .
30 The friendly deal was struck after lengthy negotiations between lawyers and Official Solicitor David Venables , the girl 's court-appointed guardian .
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