Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] the [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In this case the incomers had their homes bought for them .
2 At this point the demonstrators beleived he was on his way to prison .
3 We had chosen our visit to coincide with the full moon , but it also coincided with a period of maximum solar flare activity , and on every clear night the Lights treated us to a spectacular show in green and red .
4 I told you about the pains , ’ — she is holding her stomach — ‘ and the thing I ca n't bear is this week the children have them too . ’
5 In this way the youngsters make it clear that they are not yet mature enough to be considered rivals for territories or breeding partners and are allowed to feed on the reef beside their parents for the several months that it takes them to grow to maturity .
6 so I gave that and there was nothing , this year the citizens have nothing at their
7 During this time the cities governed their own affairs and many of the larger towns became prosperous under the leadership of Burgomeisters elected from the mercantile classes and other wealthy citizens .
8 The row over John Taylor helped lose the seat to the Liberal Democrats , but this time the Tories say their candidate will be chosen on ’ electability ’ .
9 Let us suppose that following incorporation the partners award themselves salaries of £43,500 which is about the level required to ensure that tax on the salary does not exceed the basic 25% rate .
10 In the following week the students visit their school practice school .
11 At that point the sensei commands them to turn , with the order ‘ mawatte ’ .
12 Steve and his wife use it to keep the weight off and ensure their 3 young daughters get the balanced diet the experts say they need .
13 On National day the bookmakers assessed his chance at 100–7 , with Must the favourite and Sundew ( who was to win the race the following year ) second favourite .
14 His victories with Pebbles in the Breeders ' Cup Turf and Jupiter Island in the Japan Cup — the only successes by a Briton in the events — were superb feats , but perhaps even more laudable was his achievement in saddling Bold Arrangement to take second in the Kentucky Derby , a unique venture the know-alls told him was not even worth attempting .
15 But towards the end of the eighteenth century the courts developed what Jay Cohen calls ‘ a more expansive definition ’ of the term , which made many non-traders eligible for discharge in bankruptcy .
16 In the present case the assignors declared themselves to be trustees of the assigned parts of the deposits if B.C.C.I. was unable to designate separate deposit accounts in the assignees ' names .
17 With a great cry the knights followed him .
18 In the initial centuries of Bel Shanaar 's long reign the Elves busied themselves rebuilding their land and exploring the surrounding world .
19 In the 36th minute the Dragons had their best effort of the half when Coleman was found by a precise ball from Springett but he shot wide .
20 With a considerable effort the men got him on to the stretcher , and Redpath noticed that his trouser pockets seemed to be bulging rather curiously .
21 ‘ In the mutual look the participants express their involvement with one another .
22 The only reason the police got anything out of me was because they threatened to question my daughter .
23 This , interestingly enough , was the one thing the boffins told us : get on and we will stop the war .
24 On Dada he wrote : ‘ With robust iconoclastic humor the Dadaists mocked what they considered the sorry shams of European culture .
25 ‘ If by any chance the police pull us in on suspicion they 've got ter 'ave an identification parade , an' if the old watchman recognises any of us we 're done for , unless 'e 's too frightened ter pick us out , an' 'e will be if 'e knows we 're capable o' smackin' 'im around a bit .
26 It 's a debate Howe understandably does does not want to enter into but he has noticed a similarity between the current team and the Arsenal side he coached to the Double 21 years ago — coincidentally , the same season the Blues won their last major honour , the Cup Winners ' Cup .
27 Perhaps he only meant to see Constanza , at any rate the lawyers messed it up .
28 If the adventurers just sit there taking every abusive comment the puppets cast their way , the puppets eventually tire of such a tedious audience and attack — a Fire Ball being followed by a physical assault en masse .
29 When their big friends get stuck into close combat the Snotlings throw themselves on the enemy , screaming and yelling crazily , waving their wooden clubs and biting the foes with their sharp teeth .
30 On the other hand the arts lobby which has wanted such a department for a long time , is now worried that Mellor , known for his dynamism , strong views and unceremonious manners , could take an interventionist and populist approach , particularly in relation to the Arts Council .
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