Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [that] you 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 you 're going to work in there , you 've just been given a , your , your standard value which is gross , thousand and thousand of dollars , now how are you going to spend that money that you 've got for
2 All the slop and and scrape it all into this bucket with lots of it 's like tray you know like that tray that you 've got i next to your sink ?
3 Well , er , wh what we want to do , what we want to do is to relate this manifest content that you 've told us to what , what 's the other thing ?
4 Councillor , that 's an interesting word that you 've used there .
5 But during the period of the war the bakers sadly fell down to about the middle of the table through the old saying that you 've got to be patriotic and help the war effort .
6 And I , I really get the impression that , for a while , you know there was , there was just this incredible rush and they just thought oh we 've got to do something , and , and tha that 's what and this idea that you 've got ta be right
7 And then you have n't ruined wallpaper that you 've gone out and bought especially .
8 We also want the money quicker which erm I would have thought would more than outweigh any of the so-called extra expense that you 've got and er I said we regard it as an essential sales tool to be get m better recognition in the country so er he is progressing with the applications .
9 That 's the second issue that you 've brought up .
10 And it is important that the background has got some interest , but no so much interest that you 've forgotten about the subject .
11 It 's a little ulcer that you 've got on your lip .
12 but a when when somebody when it 's becoming apparent that somebody is I would n't say is not interested in your little complaint that you 've got and that that they 're they 're trying to change to subject it 's difficult to keep them on it
13 we 've got a hundred grams divided by twenty eight pennies , the answer is whatever it comes to grams per divided by pennies , grams per penny , so that 's a good check that you 've got it the right way up , before you go and calculate it you just have a little look , what have I got here ?
14 ‘ You can release all the mental strain that you 've built up when psyching your self up for a marathon , ’ she says .
15 I think this ought to be thrown out not necessarily on the rights or wrongs of fox hunting but on a procedural thing that you 've brought about where a dictatorial attitude is brought about by the Labour party that have the right apparently to say exactly what 'll happen on someone else 's land .
16 What bills have you got each month that you 've got ta pay ?
17 Now that 's a very important clue that you 've spotted .
18 There 's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of , and the very fact that you 've confronted your fears , faced up to your problem and sough help on your own initiative shows that you 're strong enough to make a full recovery .
19 The same provision applies I mean if you allocated s so much of your pension and that person died then there 's no way you can actually access that amount that you 've allocated .
20 What choice do you give the patients that ca n't use that ward that you 've closed down ?
21 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
22 Right , have you got anything to show mummy , any work that you 've done lately or any ?
23 And that 's on that sheet that you 've got .
24 So you 've now actually taken all that nice typing that you 've done and rendered it totally illegible !
25 So in the other version that you 've got what sort of changes to the order have you made ?
26 So again it 's a new discipline that you 've got to learn .
27 Mm , in other words it is n't an automatic immortal soul that you 've got
28 What I 'd like you to do , is to have a look at your time , one , and first of all see notes down on it , make a note beside each task that you 've got on there , whether it 's active or reactive .
29 the only thing I wondered is if next year that you 've got to do a subsidiary , and if you 've not got a science you must do science
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