Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There , a little money will buy you a good deal of swank .
2 You can train to be a Navy Cook without any particular previous formal qualifications , although any knowledge you bring from a technical college will give you an advantage .
3 ‘ There are thy dew drops marvellously reformed in the heavens , and the clownish foot will trample them no more . ’
4 If you know the cosine of the angle , this function will tell you the angle ( in radians ) .
5 If you know the sine of the angle , this function will tell you the angle ( in radians ) .
6 If you know the tangent of the angle , this function will tell you the angle ( in radians ) .
7 Oh , he said , I expect in a minute the door will be flung back and I 'll be dragged off to some sort of temple arena where I 'll fight maybe a couple of giant spiders and an eight-foot slave from the jungles of Klatch and then I 'll rescue some kind of a princess from the altar and then kill off a few guards or whatever and then this girl will show me the secret passage out of the place and we 'll liberate a couple of horses and escape with the treasure . ’
8 One night I had a vivid dream that to correct this error would bring us the wind .
9 I am not anticipating that anybody in this room will do it the way I say I do it .
10 This device should give us a single analysis in about five minutes rather than ninety as at present as we do n't need to separate the mixtures , we can do the analysis directly .
11 The state of the microscopist 's art is now such that the choice of instrument to use depends largely on what he wants to see , and in some applications the acoustic microscope may give him the sharpest pictures ever .
12 From fundamental concepts to the most advanced techniques in use today , this seminar will give you a comprehensive understanding of the techniques you can use to put together a winning combination for yourself in the Information Age .
13 This browsing can give you a broad view of the subject you are studying .
14 Clough went into the match against Everton wondering whether another setback might bring him the sack on the day he joined the Nottinghamshire miners on a protest march .
15 Event organiser and wine expert Jean Francois Jamet of Guinness Northern Ireland said : ‘ The trade here work very hard to get it right for their customers , and this event will give them an unequalled chance to sample probably the widest range of wines ever assembled for buyers in Northern Ireland . ’
16 Er I did ask the question as well what what 's going to happen to these trees or what happens to these trees when the City Council removes them and I 've never got an answer yet and I 'm going to keep asking somebody some day will give me an answer .
17 The hon. Gentleman would do me a great favour if he could kindly confirm that his party , if in power , would spend an extra £13 billion above what we are spending .
18 If the hon. Gentleman would do me the service of going to the Library and reading the judgments , he would find that in the earlier proceedings , neither the Home Office nor my hon. Friend were held in contempt for the actions that were taken on 1 and 2 May .
19 A chemically sharpened hook with this set-up will give you a greater percentage of pricked fish as the carp draws the bait in and then ejects .
20 There she might find someone who did n't mind employing a traveller to clean out a stable or a pig-sty , or perhaps a kindly old woman might give her a crust .
21 ‘ Now you tell me , Father , what man in this parish could give her the comforts she 's used to ?
22 Stuart bellowed his words as if answering a court-martial and failure to enunciate perfectly at top volume would earn him a few more years in the glasshouse .
23 Like many European economies , Austria faces a difficult year ; its close links with the ailing German economy may give it a worse time than most .
24 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
25 Well , Mrs Newton , as she is now , was fairly monosyllabic until I promised that the Daily News would send her a little present .
26 I take it that the Foreign Secretary will give me an answer to that question .
27 And that , if a wheelchair can be obtained , a breath of fresh air would do her no harm . ’
28 You see , as a ‘ home-grown ’ fuel , British Coal can offer you a constant secure supply at competitive , predictable prices .
29 From Strauss to Sullivan , William Walton to West Side Story , this summer will bring you the opportunity to listen to these musical greats in beautiful surroundings .
30 If you are uncertain of the type of frame you want to use , or even of the very important role it plays in setting off the finished picture , browsing through the photographs in this book should give you a good idea of the tremendous versatility of frames , and also show you how the correct frame will focus the eye on the design itself , as well as balance all its elements .
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