Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I always knew you were fiercely independent and I knew how you 'd react to my eternal presence if you realised I was there as a self-appointed bodyguard . ’
2 ‘ I suspect poor Irvine was murdered in that convent when he loosed his trews , either to relieve himself or … ’
3 We can see no merit in repeating here the reasons he gave for that decision since he pronounced his findings in that case in public , pursuant to rule 11(2) of the Hearings before the Visitors Rules 1991 , and the reasons were complex .
4 Imagine if your local electrical store allowed you to take a TV home for a month to sample its quality before parting with your money , you would be sure you had made the right decision before it cost you the earth .
5 A long quarter swell built up and for four days and nights the carrack raced along , slipping backwards down each wave as it overtook her , wallowing heavily as the next one came up astern , and making a dazzling white wake that trailed astern like a huge , ragged scar across the aquamarine ocean .
6 Nevertheless , he had cast the Marshal a grateful look when he saw him standing there as promised , watching with his big , slightly bulging eyes .
7 Speaking of which , why did n't you marry that lieutenant when I told you to ?
8 Modigliani painted hair when he saw it as part of his design .
9 He was the regional winner before he knew anything about it .
10 " Lift that bloody foot like I told you ! "
11 over round the left hand side in the first place , but she must have been in the wrong so they must have seen it as well , they have n't really got a strong case so they threw it out of court and last week he had a letter , he opened it , from the , from the court , and he thought oh gawld here we go again , he 's got jury service , oh
12 But it was hypocritical sarcasm because she knew she would have done the same as him .
13 I was fond of that duvet because I thought it was hers .
14 It was a trick , a way of helping his mother , and a cruel experiment because he thought he knew best .
15 ‘ We thought you would n't have been like you were in that interview unless you knew something that — that you were n't telling people .
16 Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice and salted fish .
17 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
18 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
19 Each touch of each finger seemed to burn through her sweat-shirt , and her insides gave the most awful lurch as he held her easily above the floor , his eyes fixed steadily on hers .
20 Christopher was a slight child , with rather too thin arms and legs , and little flat wrists which always gave Carolyn a stab of apprehensive fear when she noticed them .
21 No doubt the Substitute read the newspapers at the same breakneck speed as he did everything else .
22 I was so downhearted and at such a low ebb because he made it painfully clear I did n't figure in that great club 's future , however much I loved the place .
23 Even so , it was the first successful attempt in this genre because it gave its performers an opportunity to reveal their talents as actor-dancers .
24 You 'd really need to re-fret this guitar before you used it in anger .
25 I had been something like eighteen years in the ordained ministry before I preached my first sermon on Mary .
26 THE best Yorkshire crowds always gave you some stick when you deserved it .
27 ‘ Not the best shoes for a day out , ’ remarked Brown Owl as she opened her first aid kit .
28 Now when I spoke to Mrs on the telephone last night she told me about the work you 've been doing on and I have looked at it and I 'm going to go over it again with you this afternoon because she thought it was very very good work .
29 I told my friends I was going to the dentist this afternoon because I knew they 'd be jealous if they knew I 'd seen Home Alone 2 before anyone else .
30 One man dragged a light machinegun as he made his way through the trench .
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