Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He could not , however , turn this sympathy to good effect and his New Party , formed in March 1931 with the aid of £50,000 from William Morris , the later Lord Nuffield , failed to attract widespread political support and collapsed into political oblivion at the general election of October 1931 .
2 There is no doubt that a form of parasitic violence has battened upon this pastime and flourished to such an extent that it has almost killed the host institution .
3 He admitted going equipped for theft , another burglary and asked for four similar offences to be taken into consideration .
4 Togo had a Catholic monthly , Mia Holo , that first appeared during German rule and survived into modern times .
5 ‘ I bought it as a deposit on another car and went on this journey for a reason , ’ he said .
6 Nicky had ( and for all I know still has ) the reputation of being the best criminal defence lawyer at the Scottish bar and had on several occasions persuaded juries to acquit those whom he had every reason to believe were guilty .
7 She had some ketoacidosis and responded to conventional treatment .
8 One of the most important examples of such expenditure is the payment of interest on loans originally raised in foreign exchange and re-lent to domestic borrowers , mainly social sector enterprises , in dinars .
9 The local councils in Birmingham , Bristol , Liverpool , Manchester and Sheffield , among others , denied this charge and pointed to several joint ventures with business , arguing that had they not been denied the resources , more co-operation would have been possible .
10 The Squadron was equipped with the Blenheim IV as part of 2 Group and tasked with offensive operations , mainly by night , over Germany and Occupied Europe .
11 This was placed in a sterile universal tube and centrifuged at 14000 revolutions per minute for 4 minutes as previously described to elute sample DNA .
12 But the feature which Preston knew had so captivated the twins was the great crest of plumage rising from the centre of his otherwise shaven skull and gelled into sharp canary yellow spikes .
13 Sir Peter was scheduled to sign for one hour , but gave way to popular demand and stayed for three .
14 Their memory and remembrance — rediscovered and kept alive in historical reconstruction and actualized in ritual celebration — encourage us in historical solidarity with them to commit ourselves to the continuing struggle against patriarchy in society and church .
15 But even in February 1980 it doubted the long-term viability of this mechanism and pointed to potential LDCs ' debt servicing problems for banks .
16 A redshank swept its bill through soft patches of wet mud and breakfasted on tiny insects , shrimps and wriggling worms .
17 Their artistic genius — the exquisite delicacy of Turgenev , the psychological penetration of Dostoevsky , the panoramic vision of Tolstoy — illuminated the whole range of Russian intellectual , cultural , and social life and Appealed to all shades of public Opinion .
18 When he was looking to expand with another concept , he looked at the labels in his shops for something with a distinctive yet commercial image and decided on this French casualwear label .
19 Some years earlier he 'd crashed another aircraft at nearby Chinnor but escaped without serious injury .
20 Some years earlier he 'd crashed another aircraft at nearby Chinnor but escaped without serious injury .
21 Beamish was a vice-president of this organization and spoke at several of its meetings on his infrequent visits from abroad in the 1930s .
22 He was a competent and careful administrator and retired in 1909 , with unfortunate results for the publishing company for the next few years .
23 The youth , who can not be named for legal reasons , admitted three charges of criminal damage between November 1 , 1992 and February 28 this year and asked for four similar offences to be considered .
24 The authorities became worried about the threat to public order and decided at last to act against both fascist paramilitary provocation and anti-fascist counter-violence , a decision influenced by deputations to the Home Secretary from the London Labour party and the Manchester watch committee .
25 ‘ If a husband or a boyfriend , whatever , was out in the road at this time and looked like that , we want them to come forward . ’
26 There is no mistaking the physical menace in the soft but grinding discord which announces Balstrode 's " Look , the storm cone " , or the thrill of fear in his fugue theme " Now the flood tide " [ 7 ] , with its opening minor second , which is picked up by the entire chorus and worked into one of those overwhelming Verdian ensembles which climax the first scene of each act .
27 His secretaryship of the UDC , which he held until his death , cost him his Liberal candidacy and led to six months ' imprisonment for a technical breach of the Defence of the Realm Act .
28 Some years later , Crook and Elliot ( 1980 ) conducted a similar review and came to similar conclusions , suggesting that social class is a confounding variable that has led to a spurious association in some studies between loss and depression .
29 Once complete , the engines can be lifted and placed onto the venerable Doane test-bed and rolled outside ready for Larry to begin his monitoring work again .
30 Robyn entered the tiny shop and bought at random , grabbing anything that was familiar — an odd assortment of things that would sustain her with the least amount of effort , paying her money to the assistant vaguely , absent-mindedly .
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