Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another important purpose was to use the village Soviets as gates through which peasants would enter into wider administrative experience and escape from the stifling parochialism of the mir and the skhod .
2 Sigua said that he was hoping for economic aid and credits from the USA and Iran and for bilateral trade agreements with Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) countries to relieve the situation .
3 In the end , however , the Ukrainian decision to vote for full independence left him with little alternative but to withdraw from the USSR and in effect bring about its demise ( see pp. 179–85 ) .
4 On Jan. 16 Khaled was arrested by police , who found him walking in Brussels , but was released on instruction from the Foreign Ministry and expelled from the country on Jan. 23 .
5 That evening Lieutenant-Colonel Dudley Clarke set down his thoughts in brief notes on raiding parties carried by ship to the French coast and drawn from a special force .
6 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
7 ‘ No regular job , but does n't draw social security or benefits from the unemployment office — ’ I knew that was a con for a start , as the cops rarely liaised with the Social Security people , let alone with the income tax ferrets , thank God' — and yet no known criminal source of income .
8 He also hopes the new format will attract new readers , both those who do not regularly read a daily newspaper and converts from the rival Liberation - which has won an extraordinary success among younger readers with its mix of lively writing , news features and bold use of photography and design .
9 One cold and bleak November day , Stella donned a wet suit and jumped from a boat into the North Sea and frolicked with Freddy for ten minutes .
10 Highways officials say position of the crossing point provides the greatest safety benefit to the most vulnerable road users , and maintains free access and exit from the fire station and garage .
11 The plume of smoke is safely confined to the lower atmosphere , which means that it is soon mixed with fresh air and removed from the sky by rain .
12 A recurring problem is cracks caused by the fact that the foundations were of the wrong depth or made from the wrong materials .
13 During the measurement of the molar mass of the polymer using a colligative method , an equilibrium is established when the chemical potential of the solvent in the solution is equal to that of the pure solvent , where the pure solvent is either in another phase or separated from the solution by a semi-permeable membrane .
14 The young people also wanted to have some enjoyment in their scarce free time and escape from the contradictions of their ‘ privileged ’ position .
15 And , despite some exciting running and handling from the visitors in the closing quarter , Hull never lost the lead .
16 Are there any circumstances in which the Home Secretary would feel it right to take the honourable course and resign from the office which he discharges so inadequately ?
17 These are , at best , no more than useful physical aids to illustrate the mechanical response and suffer from the disadvantage that a given process may be described in this way using more than one arrangement of springs and dashpots .
18 Under the law of a number of member states ( though not the UK ) , transfer of central management and control from the state of registration is only possible if the company is wound up and reincorporated in another member state .
19 Both types of consent arguments are based on actual consent and differ from the hypothetical consent theories recently made popular by John Rawls , which are a form of moral argument concerning the way a fair-minded person should reconcile his interests with those of others .
20 He slid down the stairway in one easy jump and hopped from the quay to the cruiser 's deck , and within a minute he 'd located the power switches and was down below , checking through the fittings .
21 There are areas of particular importance which require extra knowledge and understanding from the start .
22 After initial training , the Heidrick and Struggles Associate will be expected to undertake entire search assignments with minimal supervision and coaching from the Office Manager and/or partners .
23 Our own observations suggest that libraries , refurbished and sometimes reopened in anticipation of , or as a result of , a project grant , were popular places at lunchtimes and breaks , though as much for doing unrelated homework and/or sheltering from the weather as for specific use of the resources .
24 In Newton Aycliffe , Insp Clive Brooker becomes a Chief Inspector and moves from the force training department .
25 If it was the battery it must have finally given up the ghost , because there was n't even the faintest wheeze or whisper from the starter motor .
26 It too will have extra time and kicks from the penalty spot if necessary .
27 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
28 The archway itself is in fine condition and dates from the third century B.C. It forms part of the Etruscan walls to the city and is the best extant example of Etruscan masonry .
29 But the best he could do was it down behind a large rock and escape from the grasp of the wind , though the rain still got to him and he started to shiver violently .
30 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
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