Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] would just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At this point I 'd just like to comment on Virginia Bottomley 's contention that she 'd give twenty four percent to Social Services extra in S S A to the ac for the Act .
2 If we had simply been moving to another site we would just roll everything up and take it with us .
3 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
4 We would learn little , because by exploiting spherical symmetry we would just have to deal with another pseudo-one-dimensional problem .
5 Well erm in complete summary I 'd just like to go through three points again .
6 One point I 'd just like to add to what David was just saying there was that when you were talking about those orientation problems , when we were making the film of the children at Brickwall , what was brought home to me very strongly was that these sort of problems can arise in mathematics , as well as in reading .
7 If you try that with erm a piece of wood , you try to pull it out into a long thin wire it would just break .
8 There is one other point I 'd just like because yo you 've been on about Labour controlled Councils .
9 And then it would er at that time you would just have the tank workers and the quarry workers .
10 The underlying point I 'd just like to give an example er of how the F T would benefit er if a recovery takes place .
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