Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [been] given " in BNC.

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1 There is no reason , and he declines the verbal advice he has been given by his Inspector , so this has now become an ‘ order ’ .
2 Many local authorities have had their budgets cut by reductions in central government They 've been given better education and higher expectations , but no future .
3 The tie of the white gown she had been given to wear caught in her hair and pulled it .
4 She sat in a corner of the playroom , dressed in the brown serge dress and white apron she had been given , and tried to think how she could run away .
5 Even now , the only substantial reason I have been given for stopping the work , is that BW themselves propose to upgrade the towpath along the whole length .
6 It is a great power you have been given , my child , you know that . ’
7 He developed an allergy to a powerful , broad-spectrum antibiotic he had been given to treat an attack of bronchitis .
8 ‘ The only figure we have been given is of £28,000 which was spent on the cleaning of the graffiti . ’
9 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
10 For many women , it 's the first time they have been given a responsibility of this kind .
11 ‘ Similar offences in the past have received a fortnight 's suspension , but because of the player 's disciplinary record he has been given this long ban , ’ said the committee chairman David Johnson .
12 ‘ I could n't think of anyone nicer to have the new job she 's been given .
13 Yes I 'm afraid I 've come in as a a last minute substitute and I feel as if in the eighty ninth minute I 've been given a penalty to take that could win the match or
14 But chairman Tony Lewis denied last night he had been given the boot .
15 On his last visit he had been given coffee .
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