Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] is [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of negligent misstatement over normal negligence claims is that it can be used where the loss has only been economic , although it is not restricted to this .
2 There 's the city 's sprawling badlands where all that distinguishes the housing from the old brick back-to-backs is that they 're further away from everywhere .
3 A feature of most high density areas is that there has been a long-term decline in population and density since before the Second World War ( Craig 1986 ) .
4 The difficulty with standard significance tests is that their valid and effective use usually depends on the way the data are approached — for example whether the research has been designed with a specific hypothesis in mind or a less focused post hoc analysis is being carried out with a view to revealing underlying patterns .
5 The essential difference , therefore , between this course and more conventional university courses is that it is very explicitly geared to the needs of industry , and students spend one year on industrial placement .
6 One of the benefits of decorated photograph frames is that one can always alter the surround at will , thereby changing the colour emphasis of a particular photograph .
7 One of the problems with these job losses is that they were almost entirely unplanned : anyone who wanted to take severance or early retirement was allowed to do so irrespective of its effects on the department concerned and on the shape of the university .
8 Now , do n't be horrified , this is the whole point of these formica benches is that we can work directly on to them .
9 A key weakness of conventional forecasting methods is that they often fail to capture the ‘ turning points ’ — the onset of recession or the beginning of recovery .
10 One of the peculiarities of these business cards is that there is no single standard set of English translations for the ranks and positions in Japanese companies .
11 One of the persistent misconceptions about professional work in the human service occupations is that it mainly takes place face to face with clients or patients and that time spent with others about the client or patient is a necessary but regrettable adjunct to the real work .
12 One of her fears for the future of white water rodeos is that they almost inevitably will become more serious competitions and less friendly .
13 The problem with these street preachers is that you do n't get the choice not to hear them . ’
14 Another argument used to advocate key settlement policies is that they favour employment growth .
15 A claim made for non-ELT television materials is that they are authentic .
16 This might suggest that the major difficulty with closed class items is that they are harder to access than open class items .
17 And the reason I use heavy gauge strings is because he was using a heavy gauge and we figured it was better and cheaper to buy strings all in one gauge .
18 A weakness of many low-cost colour inkjets is that they use the colour cartridge to produce black by applying 100 per cent cyan , magenta and yellow .
19 The main problem with serial/parallel disk drives is that they are not only more expensive but slower .
20 So the stereotype of Appalachian English speakers is that they 're not very intelligent , they 've got a lack of ambition and success and a poor education .
21 THE nightmare of Israeli and Palestinian peace negotiators is that their history-making agreement on self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip may spark a Palestinian civil war .
22 One explanation for the inaccuracy of recent opinion polls is that ours is a nation of liars .
23 The trouble with the new community councils is that they have largely fallen into the hands of the incoming middle-class whose views are likely to be coincident with the dominant ideology .
24 The problem with ‘ infant industry ’ and other import controls is that they protect the domestic producer , whether foreign or local .
25 The main drawback with the VDRL and other reagin tests is that they may become positive with conditions other than treponemal infection .
26 The special feature of the two Unidroit Conventions is that they each deal with a transaction involving two distinct contracts .
27 Fatima : I think the main difference between the Feminist Movement in Europe and Third World Countries is that they originated on the basis of different histories .
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