Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] case [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There has been a recent increase in requests for such support with cases where the need for confidentiality may conflict with legal responsibilities or with the adviser 's desire to protect a weaker third party .
2 While there a large number of cases where the victims are juveniles , there are many others where the newspapers would be allowed by law to identify the victim .
3 The double bass-bassoon unison supplies a good bass in cases where the cellos are independently occupied .
4 But they would help to reduce still further that small minority of cases where a customer is turned away when he would not have been , given careful objective reflection ; or where the customer mistakenly feels aggrieved at what is in truth a fair decision .
5 ‘ We should also allow dual citizenship in cases where a foreigner who wanted to become a German citizen would suffer disadvantages if he gave up his old citizenship . ’
6 The expert 's liability in his primary profession is considered by looking at successful actions against members of the same profession in cases where the duty is owed to one party only : for instance , where a valuation is prepared for a buyer and not both buyer and seller .
7 When the answer required is a whole number the general pattern of difficulty was found to cover a sharp difference between cases where the answer is I , 000 ( a litre , a kilometre , a kilogram or a tonne ) and cases where the answer is 10 or 100 ( 1 cm or 1m ) .
8 Here the rules of the game were perfectly understood , including the need for a certain discretion in cases where the stability of the bourgeois family or property would otherwise have been threatened : passion , as every Italian of the middle class still knows , is one thing , ‘ the mother of my children ’ quite another .
9 The passing of the Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 means that there should now be an insignificant number of cases where the court is asked to find implied permission .
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