Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] [noun] was " in BNC.

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1 For just one fleeting moment , Robbie visualised a long warm sultry afternoon in her cabin or on Water Gypsy 's deck , with the subtle torture of knowing Fen was close at hand but totally unavailable .
2 Ianthe smiled uneasily , feeling that some kind of guessing game was being played between them and that she ought to play her part by making a suggestion as to what the work could have been .
3 The other side to English hesitation in offering houseroom was a belief in the independence of the old .
4 A further indictment of editing practice was provided by BBC 2 's Brass Tacks programme of 30 November 1985 .
5 Mistakes of that sort apart , it would seem that , as had always been the case , some sort of checking system was needed to give lenders the required degree of confidence to carry on , and that the more thorough and ‘ scientific ’ it was the better for both borrower and lender , the more effectively it reduced the incidence of overindebtedness , and saved borrowers from overstretching themselves and indulging in mad bouts of impulsive buying .
6 The nauseating sound of breaking bone was immediately followed by a crash as another blow to the side of the head dropped him like a stone .
7 Finlay Calder 's reasonable insistence that all of the Lions party who wished should be included on the trip , accompanied by wives or girlfriends , followed by his non-availability when this chance of expressing gratitude was rejected , have seen to that .
8 Further evidence of slackening efforts was the reduction in a number of countries ' energy efficiency budgets .
9 Meanwhile another method of utilising livestock was explored : the preservation of slaughtered meat , by the traditional methods of salting and drying , by some sort of concentration ( Liebig 's meat extract began to be produced in the River Plate states in 1863 ) , by canning and finally by the decisive device of refrigeration .
10 Another method of retaining control was by keeping a firm grip on hours of work .
11 This method of catching fish was an early form of modern-day trawling .
12 This awareness of im-pending disaster was exacerbated in the early seventies when a slump occurred in the property market .
13 Another reason for choosing Collins was the designer 's penchant for wood epoxy construction , an attractive , strong and relatively easy method of building which allows plenty of scope for the interior to be custom-designed and completed to the owner 's specification .
14 The strongest reason for voting Labour was indeed its commitment to improving welfare , repairing the damage Thatcherism has done to the social fabric .
15 This aspect of moving signs was studied by Evans ( 1981 ) in an unpublished short study in Bristol .
16 In this way of thinking war was seen as an attempt to pursue a ‘ reasonable ’ claim which was being forcibly threatened or attacked , which implied not merely the use of force but the means of persuasion ( propaganda ) and discussion ( negotiation ) as well .
17 so the second level of using theory was to actually begin to find out what I could do to help myself and that threw me into the middle of ‘ what is knowledge ? ’
18 The perceived difficulty of ending marriages was doubtless one of the reasons for the increased concern with wife-battering which was of major import in the 1860s and 1870s .
19 The principal vehicle for implementing change was the dissemination of the company plan mapping out the route to cost competitiveness through work reorganization .
20 The union suspected that the real reason for preferring Asiatics was that they were cheaper and ate less .
21 The actual industrial structure of the mid-1960s , by which time the massive Robens-led reduction in mining employment was already underway , is given in Table 3.1 and compared with the situation in 1976 and 1986 .
22 The LDP 's previous proposal for voting reform was to replace the Japanese system with a first-past-the-post system .
23 A rapid method of assaying samples was essential in order to discover which extracts were giving the best yields , and the sooner a stable crude preparation was obtained which could act as a standard , the better .
24 The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett .
25 The conventional method of recording orchestras was to place microphones throughout the ensemble ; Fine contended that given a hall with excellent acoustic properties , a single ultra-sensitive microphone should be capable of capturing the sound of a symphony orchestra with unprecedented clarity , balance and definition .
26 The commended approach to teaching strategies was highly partisan in respect of the particular kinds of practice which were endorsed .
27 The scientists ' work confirmed their initial suspicions : that the undoubted improvement in parachuting ability was a fortuitous result of the development of the fringes for these other purposes .
28 They completed nearly 16,000 newly-built dwellings in the year to September 1991 , and together with acquisition and renovation of houses for letting , building for shared ownership sale , and other activities , the total output of housing associations was almost 22,000 units in 1990-91 , compared with only 16,000 in 1979 .
29 Capellan hands directed the operations , Capellan machinery accomplished the construction , but it was by and for the humans of Earth , her nearest neighbour , that the great work of habilitating Mars was undertaken .
30 Although regular use of itinerating magistrates was made in some areas later in the century , many villages remained thirty or forty kilometres from the nearest police court , and some were much
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