Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ culture of contentment ’ — Galbraith might equally have used the phrase ‘ culture of complacency ’ — is the prevailing majority of electors in the US , UK and other advanced economies .
2 In this latter condition , gluten ( which is also found in oats , barley , and rye ) produces damage to the lining of the bowel , preventing normal absorption of nutrients from the diet .
3 The man had spent about thirty minutes behind the wheel of a Land Rover Discovery like this one … they 'd followed Geoff 's normal route from Banbury to the village of Mollington , onto Cropredy , then back into Banbury .
4 All of us would arise in due course like Venus from the waves — shining , lovely , renewed , with sharp neat cuts , elegant waves or subtle highlights — or so we hoped ; it was an act of faith .
5 On the Vistula delta the Mennonites bred black and white Friesian cattle just as their ancestors in Holland had done , and grew sugar-beet , tomatoes , rye , and a resilient variety of wheat on the rich alluvial soil .
6 If a ship was intended for patrolling the sea , it had to be equipped to take part in action against the enemy : the building of castles , fore and aft , and , in the fifteenth century , the possible installation of cannon on the deck ( guns were placed below decks , to fire out of ‘ ports ’ , only in the very first years of the sixteenth century ) had to be carried out .
7 Nonetheless , it did seek to address the problems identified during the FAOR analysis , albeit at a lower level of attainment in the initial stages .
8 The assistant 's task is to deputize , where necessary , for the account executive ; to run meetings covering minor points of detail ( often follow-up action for major meetings ) , to attend to detail within the agency ; and , in general , to provide a lower level of contact between the client and the agency — on a par with your own assistants or subordinates .
9 Having admitted that the lower duty on unleaded petrol has helped to promote its use , has the Minister had any discussions with the Treasury about introducing such a lower level of duty for the cleaner diesel fuels which are now available , especially as BP is one of the pioneers in that respect ?
10 Being asked how he knew this he says that each carucate of land by the custom of the district contains one hundred and four score acres of arable land , which quantity there is not in that Manor .
11 LEBANON 'S Christian leader , General Michel Aoun , last night denounced a draft peace agreement produced by the country 's parliamentarians in the Saudi resort of Taif on the grounds that it did not set a timetable for the withdrawal of Syrian troops occupying the country since 1976 .
12 Marxism 's main flaw is its insistence on economics and the economic category of class as the one fundamental explanatory factor .
13 The point that my hon. Friend is about to come to is that the advertising directed at young people creates a climate of social acceptability in which children will then not complain about the awful smell of smoke from the other side of a physical barrier —
14 As for the second charge , that democracy , perhaps like British liberty in the nineteenth century , was parasitic upon empire , A.H.M. Jones points out that it continued to operate in the fourth century , after the loss of empire , and , indeed , was if anything more expensive then than before , since it was then that payment for attendance at the assembly was added to payment for other public duties .
15 From the upstairs window of the grey-stone , substantial house at the top of the road there was billowing into the night slow , steady streams of smoke — not thick , or threatening in themselves , but culminating in a heavy , acrid cloud haloing the house , and sending a hideous smell of ruin down the gentle hill to the centre of the town .
16 British Bio-technology Group achieved a total income of £1.95m during the half year ended 31 October 1991 , against £2.35m in the previous year Income from Research Division was £342 000 and from Laboratory Products Division was £1.61m .
17 I do the odd bit of d-i-y round the home , which I do n't find too difficult , being an engineer by trade .
18 So , if I pass my er printed overheads for this one an allowance er , is , and you were talking about it really , you were using this as though it were going to be er , your money that you 'd got to spend for doing each one of those activities or each bit of work within the , the project .
19 But I am sure that , as a reasonable man , he will agree on reflection that the wisest course of action for the Government is to continue to support the secretary-general 's efforts .
20 She said : ‘ Experience elsewhere has shown that people with head injuries need a concentrated level of service in the early stages .
21 An obvious method is to advertise but be careful that you aim the right kind Of advertising in the right direction , otherwise it is money badly spent .
22 There is usually no great profit on these transactions , despite the high rents achievable on the right kind of homes in the right areas for incoming expatriate employees of firms like his own .
23 Ralph King must be a very active 70 year old to attempt such an ambitious project , namely to cover the broad field of safety in the process industry in one volume without assistance from other experts .
24 They are advised to choose the compulsory modules for an extra field , not only to encourage breadth of study but also to serve as a foundation for a possible change of field in the future .
25 A site was sought for a garage , but before the matter could be taken further , there came news of a possible change in control of the company and things were left in abeyance for the time being .
26 The Vikings certainly did cause extensive damage to property in the short term .
27 Environmentalists stress that these are only preliminary findings , and that over the next few years , more extensive damage to wildlife in the Sound may be uncovered .
28 Then Kerry began to realise that she had found a strange kind of relief amid the disappointment that knocked her sideways when she first saw Panos .
29 ‘ Did you follow that trail of paint towards the clearing they talk about ? ’
30 In modern British society , this often takes the form of a left-right political division between fractions of the upper classes .
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