Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Social imperialism ’ suggests that the main beneficiaries of this policy were British consumers , and indeed one writer has gone so far as to argue a direct link to the Attlee government 's social reforms : ‘ The nationalisations , medical provision and expansion of education so magnanimously legislated by the Labour Ministry were largely achieved because the Bank of England kept the Sterling Area show on the road . '
2 As the minority population became more vociferous in its demands and more openly nationalist and republican , the stature of Paisley in the loyalist camp was proportionately increased because Protestants looked back at what he had been saying in the early days of O'Neill 's reign and saw that ‘ he had been right all along ’ .
3 Although that curriculum is often represented as diminishing teachers ' choices and initiatives , it is important for heads and their colleagues to note how matters of culture which have many facets can be handled alongside a national concern that schools should be more readily comparable with each other and should be readily accountable , not least in their pupils ' attainment levels .
4 Each cabin is fully carpeted and by day forms a very comfortable fully air-conditioned private lounge .
5 A complete split was also threatened when the North branch voted to withdraw from the BSP if it affiliated to the Labour Party ( ibid. 4 August 14 ) .
6 Each case was also evaluated and graded for 23 individual histological features ( Table IV ) , mostly those considered useful in the differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease , but including others that were added in the search for histological features that might distinguish RP from controls .
7 We will ensure that every pupil has a National Record of Achievement so that progress is properly documented and shared between parents and schools .
8 In the Marxist theory of the Second International the economic base is dogmatically described as determining the superstructure ( Callinicos 1983 : 62 ) .
9 ‘ ( 6 ) Goods of any kind are of merchantable quality within the meaning of subsection ( 2 ) above if they are as fit for the purpose or purposes for which goods of that kind are commonly bought as it is reasonable to expect having regard to any description applied to them , the price ( if relevant ) and all the other relevant circumstances . ’
10 ‘ as fit for the purpose or purposes for which goods of that kind are commonly bought as it is reasonable to expect …
11 Section 14(6) of SGA 1979 , which is replicated in ss4(9) , 9(9) of the SGSA 1982 , provides : Goods of any kind are of merchantable quality within the meaning of [ the undertaking ] if they are as fit for the purpose or purposes for which goods of that kind are commonly bought as it is reasonable to expect having regard to any description applied to them , the price ( if relevant ) and all the other relevant circumstances .
12 The minority still have a right to object to the court but that opposition is usually known and dealt with before the bidder becomes committed to acquire any shares in the target .
13 Each term is also designated as either ‘ preferred ’ or ‘ non-preferred ’ , i.e. deemed suitable for inclusion in a record , or not .
14 Within the rock discourse of the time , progressive rock was widely regarded as associated with , indeed as the music of , the ‘ counterculture ’ .
15 A strong wind was now blowing and there was a loud crack of thunder .
16 The mortally wounded killer was alternatively pleading and threatening now , his insanity having paradoxically deserted him , in circumstances which would have driven others to the brink of madness .
17 ( iv ) Differently , it seems difficult to accept that consciousness is tolerably conceived when it is so conceived that it follows that anything that can be regarded as passing through certain sequences of causal or logical states is conscious .
18 Her dark brown hair was neatly cut and waved around her face ; there was only a slight tinge of grey .
19 This change is often described as being from a general tendency to blame the fecklessness and idleness of the poor for their poverty , to recognition that the fault lay in the structure of the economy ; from a ‘ moral ’ to an ‘ economic ’ diagnosis .
20 A spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry was later quoted as reaffirming that the disputed islands belonged to Iran , and as referring to the GCC 's use of " inappropriate words " .
21 It is vital that all meetings of this kind be properly documented and circulated to those concerned .
22 This function is then specified and identifiable in the intersection of the fields both at assembly level ( see Figure 3.3 ) and as relations between individual component parts ( see Figure 3.4 ) .
23 But a reaction against high rise was quickly mounted and the additional subsidy was withdrawn in 1967 .
24 The Ethiopian Parliament was so exasperated that it passed a unanimous resolution in 1968 begging Emperor Hailé Sellassié not to visit Italy until the monument 's return .
25 This technique is only used when a person is dangerously ill and his own blood would not have time to develop the antibodies .
26 This technique was then adapted and refined by the more sophisticated cultures of the ancient world , and gradually evolved into what is arguably the most important and universal form of artistic and cultural expression in the East .
27 But now , with hopes of success in both Guineas races in two weeks ' time , and the renaissance of Manton under his trainer Peter Chapple-Hyam , the leading British owner-breeder is better placed than at any period in the past decade .
28 Bills seeking to exclude various categories of placemen from Parliament were introduced on average once every session between 1692 and 1714 , and a general measure banning all placemen from the Commons found its way into the Act of Settlement of 1701 ( which laid down the conditions on which the Hanoverians would succeed to the throne ) , although this provision was subsequently modified before the Act came into effect .
29 Full sound support is also given and both Ad Lib and Roland sound boards are supported .
30 It may have brought much comfort ( or much discomfort ! ) , it may have been continuing or a once only meeting but nevertheless was important in that another Christian was alongside to listen and share in such a way that you travelled on encouraged .
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