Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] think to be " in BNC.

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1 It was not that ruffianism was thought to be funny , but the radical and socialist press wished to place a different emphasis on the criminal question which took full account of the social and material circumstances of working-class life .
2 The conditions of mass unemployment certainly helped to support the feeling of leniency , in that crime was thought to be an inevitable consequence of poverty , so that there was an active sympathy for the young unemployed whose miserable condition was further highlighted in a perceived increase of suicides among the young .
3 James Butterworth followed the hooligan careers of similar boys — ‘ Sam Smiler ’ and ‘ Thomas Tiddler ’ — along with the apprenticeship of ‘ Tiddler Junior ’ , because the British hooligan was thought to be getting younger in his time , as in ours :
4 This enhancement is thought to be associated with the extraction of additional information about the stimuli in the attended ear .
5 Floors needing strengthening are simply replaced , and because fine old panelling is thought to be infested with every imaginable beetle permission is obtained to strip it out and replace it in replica .
6 Enhanced inputs of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides due to this process are thought to be contributing to acidification ( Blackie and Newson 1986 ) .
7 The Butler Committee argued that relatively minor mental disorders may be regarded as falling within section 2 simply because this outcome is thought to be preferable to mandatory life imprisonment .
8 Another factor was thought to be disillusionment with the country 's political leaders , with the internal rivalry between the two wings of Solidarity , as represented by Walesa and Mazowiecki , and with the acrimonious tone of a campaign which became increasingly personalized .
9 The word ‘ mithra ’ was also used to describe a friend , and this god was thought to be a true friend of man , protecting and warming him in life and death .
10 The loss of the conserved Arg525 in patient A could prevent substrate recognition because this residue is thought to be important in the substrate-specific domain .
11 Once massive amyloid dposits occur in the muscularis propria , this myopathy is thought to be an irreversible change because of the difficulty of elimination of this insoluble protein .
12 Front runners for this project are thought to be ICL Plc , Data General Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co .
13 Front runners for this project are thought to be ICL Plc , Data General Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co .
14 This feature is thought to be related to the reproductive cycle .
15 This kind of representational ability is thought to be a particularly important developmental achievement since the essence of early language is the child 's ability to use speech sounds to represent or refer to objects , actions and locations .
16 This vasodilatation is thought to be the mechanism triggering the activation of neurohumoral factors contributing to sodium retention , extracellular fluid volume expansion and ascites formation .
17 The anomalous heat is thought to be due to solar energy , which penetrates the surface ice in spring and warms the depths .
18 Chronic dietary insufficiency is thought to be the single main cause but the mechanism is unclear .
19 The annual kill is thought to be far greater than could be replaced by the harbour porpoise 's slow rate of reproduction .
20 Such provision was thought to be important in a borough where the majority of housing is in local authority estates with little provision for single people .
21 Its main action appears to be not one of erosion , but merely one of transport : it is the mechanism by which much debris is thought to be moved from the foot of the uplands across the gentle slopes that often border them in deserts .
22 It also suggests , paradoxically , that the less autonomous individuality is thought to be , the more it might be marked by a potentially subversive agency .
23 The report said that worldwide over 260,000 cases of AIDS cases had been reported to WHO , but the actual total was thought to be two or three times higher .
24 Its total population is thought to be no greater than 200–300 , scattered along about 1400 km ( 875 miles ) of the Yangtze 's lower and central sections .
25 Until lately , Turkey 's worst fear was thought to be a vacuum in northern Iraq , leaving room for an autonomous Kurdish entity — which , in its turn , would be a beacon for the separatist movement on Turkish soil .
26 If human error is thought to be particularly important then expert advice should be sought .
27 The mode of genetic inheritance is thought to be more complex than for bipolar depression , partly because the morbidity risk for relatives of affected individuals is much lower ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
28 A second reason is that the market for corporate control is thought to be an important disciplining device particularly in those circumstances where competition in product markets is absent .
29 A HOODED man who raped a 19-year-old student is thought to be responsible for at least six other sex attacks over the past two years .
30 Rapid growth was thought to be a likely candidate so the researchers measured the expansion of cells in the trap leaves by marking leaves with evenly spaced ink dots .
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