Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] if " in BNC.

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1 History will deliver a harsh judgment on the politicians and warlords who are fermenting this chaos but I doubt if there are enough prison cells in Europe to hold all the war criminals .
2 We came to do an article on this place and I doubt if you 've written one word .
3 Yeah that 's a big and my and that stuck out the bucket like that , well going over the top we had a hood over the top tumbler to stop the flashing , so my father stopped , thinking that was a bit of wood and were gon na break the top of the tumbler , so he stop and out and scrubbed it and found that was this bone and I think if my memory serve me right that 's in the , the Fleet Museum now .
4 and I tore this paper and I said if you 're gon na have a wee wee then do it wee on me , so I said , up your
5 I went on board very quietly this time because I thought if she was n't on her own I could retreat .
6 The constable might not have minded the instant promotion but I doubt if the commissioner would have been too happy had I relegated him to the ranks ! )
7 I would n't wan na do it tomorrow , well only later afternoon but I mean if I have to put ear plugs in at night to get some sleep because of them , surely the authorities have got ta say something about that
8 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
9 ‘ I have business with Spidex International Trading and I wonder if there is someone here I can talk to ? ’
10 Titford have undoubtedly had a great season but I wonder if you have stopped to consider which club has really been the more successful ?
11 My personal feeling is that this would be a very good service to have in the rural area but I doubt if you will get enough passengers to make it profitable without a subsidy from the County Council .
12 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
13 My Lord I think it 's right that that it 's clear from the discussions I 've had with Mr that the plaintiff is going to be in the witness box for some considerable time and I think if your Lordship 's had an opportunity to read the witness statement , seen the areas of dispute , the nature of the the fact that arised and had a look at some of the documentation , it would be much er er a much speedier process than it would otherwise be .
14 What I did was I got I went down to the print room and I got a piece of A one paper and I mean if you want to use Chris
15 It 's a difficult decision but I knew if I married out there , well , there is a certain loneliness , yet going back to English life is unsatisfactory .
16 There 's been a lot of hot air generated over many years about grass cutting standards but it 's not an idle thought when I say if anybody wants to see where the best grass cutting takes place then they should visit .
17 But I just said that it was for the Welsh Office cos I thought if er they knew it was for a Authority you know ?
18 ‘ He was a strong young man and I doubt if you could have murdered him .
19 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
20 But she 's got a nice house and I think if you , if you do want a lot
21 We have really answered these questions in the course of our work and er I think any rite , any consideration of a rite of passage such as was , was er asked for , is in a sense detracting from the significance of holy baptism and I doubt if there 's any future in this .
22 Workers from VOLSEC have spent the last year renovating the Ingrow Station and plan to replace the station buildings next year so I wonder if anything unexplained will be found then ?
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