Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh this place that you where you would n't get a handbag stolen and all that .
2 No , I , I knew it was some time but I just I remembered Louise 's birthday because Louise 's birthday was the Friday the thirteenth
3 Such is Macari 's sense of insult to his personal integrity that he once he once defended himself in an ominously dramatic tone .
4 and er I bloody , I said , I said in the end I 've , what we ought to do is lop some part of their anatomy off , like a little digit or something then we can prove they 've been in
5 this is a good word because it well it 's not because of the associations but it stresses the femininity and that 's what a lot of the sixties feminists lost , I think was their own femininity because they saw it as man 's imposition
6 Bigger hooks and baits and heavier indicators brought more success than anything else I had tried .
7 I 've far less trust than her so I 'd not let
8 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
9 Mr do you want to have a ten minute break while you consider this question of whether you would be prepared to advise the panel that you would be a you would accept an amendment to the key diagram to show one star or what ever it is you have used on the key diagram to indicate A fifty nine relief road proposal ?
10 By the shelf was a built-in cupboard but everything else she saw was familiar .
11 I mean I worked at , as an open afternoon or something where we invite like into the theatre
12 you ruin your chances so about three times a week the comes in to arrange my poll tax and all this and they get going you know well why should a bloke that having a big house and he only pays the same rate as them so I said , well it 's like this as far I 'm concerned I said you know no bloke works perhaps twice as many hours as you do he chooses
13 She was the same size as me so I knew that her clothes would fit me .
14 But he had worked with a big er in a great big firm and he then he branched out on his own you know .
15 Those of us who had been drawn towards Labour as a party of change now received a sharp reminder that whatever else it was at local level , it was at national level still essentially an electoral machine .
16 Oh we 've still got next week if you here we are .
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