Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [noun prp] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He did n't elaborate on this unease but Wexford thought he must have been worried lest the two hundred and fifty was n't forthcoming .
2 Under his guidance the little group shared his special feeling for Rembrandt , who painted Jewish faces from the Amsterdam ghetto with such humanity that Modigliani insisted he must have been a Jew .
3 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
4 Both players will this year be sampling the European Tour 's qualifying procedure for the second time and Everett feels he will have a distinct advantage this time around .
5 Drifter flowed up the gallop in a smooth fast rhythm and Tremayne said he would have a good chance at Worcester if his blood was right .
6 The other major discovery that Magnus made he called the ‘ righting reflex ’ .
7 One morning I called International Backside and Balvinder said he would be around in five minutes .
8 Hanna was very interested in our latest developments for vertical take-off and Mickie says he spent some time discussing this subject with her .
9 But a winter of hard work , tuning and rebuilding the engine , has rounded up more speed and Ian knows he can stay with the very best .
10 The Scapegoat had been secured by ‘ wrists ’ and ‘ ankles ’ to the inner ring and Wycliffe thought he could make out the four points where the ropes had been .
11 They had even had an on-off affair and Harriet suspected he was in love with her .
12 When Papillon prepares for his final escape and Louis says he 's not going , he sounds as if he had decided not to shave that day . ’
13 And then , just one final thing that Nicodemus discovered he discovered that there is only one way to be born again .
14 Ask what their biggest vice is and you get four admitting to bad organisation while Mark says he 's ‘ a worrier ’ .
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