Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It happens erm I 've handled a case myself where shares were valued at a particular amount on the death and er in due course they needed to be sold as part of the administration unfortunately they 'd gone down er a fair amount in the mean time .
2 In every production there comes an awkward jerky stage when the cast abandon their books for the first time , but for The Hooded Owl it seemed to be going on longer than usual .
3 In the strange light it appeared to be slightly tilted , with one edge standing proud of the slabs around it .
4 In this surmise he proved to be correct , so Lucy hurried to her room , where she changed her clothes and attended to her make-up .
5 The sentence sounded ludicrous , as if Marcus were some child who had to be humoured .
6 like I once read a book where this girl she wanted to be a doctor and they brought her to a nursery for work experience
7 In the centre of the carbonaceous ball I could discern a small whitish marble which seemed to be all that remained of the original vegetable .
8 He pushed impatiently with his feet at some obstacle which seemed to be in his way .
9 The directive was simply another obstacle which had to be taken into account by the broadcasting authorities .
10 Mona , two years younger , was the more likely to clash with him , but this day she agreed to be ruled by Maggie 's acquiescence .
11 He had an endearing habit at 10 o'clock of calling on each facet of his customers , starting with the lowest rank of airman , to " piss off " ; and worked through the ranks until he got to Kings ( and on this occasion it happened to be King Peter of Yugoslavia ) .
12 Smallfry said that she was a wicked old woman who pretended to be nice just to trick people into liking her and believing her lies .
13 The cover photograph was of three guys in full army kit — camouflage dress , boots , black berets , black make-up and all waving rifles — jumping off a wooden bridge which appeared to be under shellfire .
14 He beat up some woman who had to be put into hospital , but Little Liz forgave him .
15 I knew what he was getting at , of course , and I was so hurt that he should think he had to approach me in such a roundabout fashion — as if I was a terrible , uncharitable woman who had to be coaxed into a simple act of kindness — that I suggested it myself at once , though it was really the last thing I wanted .
16 The absence of the owner 's consent was an essential feature of the trespassory taking which had to be proved .
17 She wanted to get up and run ; run as fast and as far as she could away from this man who seemed to be intent on humiliating her .
18 The big grey-haired American who seemed to be in charge of his party from the black car grabbed the case from the bobby 's hands , flicked the locks and looked inside .
19 One of these referred to the old man who seemed to be the self-appointed guide to the Bowder Stone , that most popular tourist attraction , which hangs precariously , as it hung then , in Borrowdale .
20 ‘ Me grandfather , aye , I can remember me grandad ’ , a Durham railwayman 's son recalled , ‘ A very old man he looked to be with long white whiskers .
21 Now that cape , it would be raining on it all night , and we had no means of drying it so that cape was left on a hanger in the house and the next coat was taken and that was worn but for some reason it seemed to be always raining on nights and you had coat wet and you came to go out it was still damp .
22 She would n't mention the boy who 'd made trouble unless for some reason she happened to be asked about him , and she felt she would not be .
23 I had this idea I had to be civilised , and wait until I 'd obtained spoken as well as physical consent from you — and then spent days regretting it !
24 When I got out of high school I wanted to be a caddie , so I got some bags at my local club .
25 Indeed in the whole of British publishing there seemed to be no obvious person .
26 In this way she lived to be a hundred years old , more or less .
27 In some peculiar way he seemed to be getting into his stride .
28 This time it proved to be the tunnel 's end , and as he drew nearer he saw the shadowy outline of a ladder etched against the concrete .
29 This time she seemed to be in two minds about what to do .
30 gentleman came to this house it seemed to be that he challenged the establishment and many of us welcomes that view it seemed to give a breath of fresh air , but now it seems to me that he 's become entirely institutionalised , can he explain that to the house ?
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