Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 The specific term used for such an exercise is ‘ one-step semi-free sparring ’ .
2 Moreover , in an appeal to the High Court relating to such an order , the principle to be adopted is that set out by Lord Lane C.J. in Reg. v. Tottenham Justices , Ex parte Dwarkados Joshi [ 1982 ] 1 W.L.R. 631 .
3 Before Jos could knock at the door , it was opened by a tiny old woman bent at such an angle that she could not see them without straightening up , her head cocked to one enquiring side .
4 A rather feminine word to apply to such a very masculine man , but the only one that truly fitted .
5 Oliver wondered why the old man lived in such an old , dirty place , when he had so many watches , but then he thought that it must cost Fagin a lot of money to look after the Dodger and the other boys .
6 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
7 ( The aim of most fusion research is to devise a magnetic container shaped in such a way that the very hot ionised gas , known as a plasma , does not escape . )
8 Referring to the English essayists , he says : ‘ A sentence was written to have only one meaning ’ : and the writer 's ‘ task was now to create autonomous text to write in such a manner that the sentence was an adequate , explicit representation of the meaning , relying on no implicit premises or personal interpretations ’ ( 1977 , p. 268 ) .
9 One could well imagine a worthless volume masquerading under such a title .
10 Rules 6.172 to 6:177 set out the procedure for the application for a public examination , requisitioning the official receiver to apply for such an examination , at the hearing itself and the expenses of it .
11 Once personal information gets into such a network it will be difficult if not impossible to restrict access to it ; it could be that such an open system could be justified to the data subject as the latest desirable addition to the role of consumer in the acquisitive society — why not order one 's claret from one 's fireside by the keyboard direct from the château , with instant payment by electronic fund transfer at point of sale , debiting one 's bank account instantaneously ?
12 For example , a simple promoter composed of such an octameric sequence next to a TATA-box functions preferentially in B lymphocytes [ 2 ] [ 3 ] .
13 The permitted energy states in such a system form a so-called ‘ surface sub-band ’ , and when all the mobile electrons are contained in one sub-band we have reached the electric quantum limit .
14 Thus , liability for death or personal injury arising from such a breach of contract can not be excluded or restricted at all ; liability for other loss or injury arising from such a breach can be excluded only in so far as the exclusion clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness , Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , section 2 ( see paragraph 10–24 above ) .
15 The move followed the decision in September 1989 to affirm Slovenia 's sovereignty and its right of secession from the SFRY [ see pp. 36899-90 ] , and the consequent election in May 1990 of a centre-right coalition campaigning on such a platform [ see p. 37463 ] ; on this occasion , however , no mention was made of secession .
16 Or alternatively the new situation is completely ignored and the time-space mesh contracted to such a degree that landform is almost taken as read and interest is , instead , directed at hydrological matters relating to the transmission of water and sediment across land-surfaces which look increasingly like the isotropic ones of human geographers .
17 The latter can be thought of either as something like a pointer moving across a scale to a mark labelled " here " , or ultimately as a conscious observer looking at such a pointer and saying " By Jove , the electron 's here " on this occasion .
18 Both sensory and contextual information interact in such a way that there is a trade-off between them ; the more contextual information input to a logogen from its top-down sources , the less sensory information is needed to bring the logogen above threshold for activation .
19 The hardest lesson learned from such an exercise is that the emergency services from Oxfordshire , Gloucestershire and Warwickshire believe that one day they will combione again , to deal with the real thing … what emergency planners call the nightmare scenario .
20 The ideal thing to do in such a situation is to praise the dog lavishly when he is caught even though deep in your heart you would like to strangle him !
21 The obvious thing to do with such an important heiress was to betroth her to one of his sons and the fact that he chose his third son , Geoffrey , shows that Richard was still marked out as the future Duke of Aquitaine .
22 Without a word , the nun ushered them through the broad , thick oak door and into a tiled hall , there to be confronted by a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child in her arms , and above her , on the wall , a large crucifix hanging at such an angle it appeared that Christ 's bent head was viewing Himself as a child in His mother 's arms .
23 And indeed there is no evidence that the human brain works in such an extreme behaviourist manner .
24 Those of us who believe that our future and national interest lie in such a course do not do so in a spirit of emotional faith or constitutional adventurism ; rather , we take a hard-headed view of where our economic interests lie and where the money will come from in the years ahead .
25 What your suffering friend needs at such a time is to have you just listen , not to judge or to find the answer but to offer practical support if necessary .
26 A negative judgement passed on such a belief has repercussions on the person , however indirect these may be .
27 I have long dream 'd of such a kind of man ,
28 The major factor making for such an enormous increase in the money supply was the equally dramatic rise in government expenditure and the inability of the government to raise tax revenue by a corresponding amount .
29 To marketing departments the technological challenge associated with such an approach may appear at first quite daunting .
30 Nonetheless , the very fact that no less a person than the prime Minister speaks in such a way is a confession that green issues have intruded upon political life to such an extent that they can no longer be ignored !
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