Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] [be] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The chapel 's striking chancel arch was another matter .
2 The key lesson of this case study is that order can not be coercively imposed , and that some form of political consensus is necessary if escalation is to be avoided .
3 RIGHT Intelligent and loyal , the German Shepherd dog is another breed which , like the Rottweiler , has gained a bad reputation in the popular press .
4 The social action programme is another example of the Labour party 's naive employment policies .
5 Like Ruhleben , one British internee camp was another racecourse , Lingfield .
6 A reason why a pattern of vertical stripes might have been selected as a social bonding device is that attachment takes place most strongly during periods of grooming ( right ) and this involves a zebra bending its neck creating vertical folds in the skin ( below ) ; the bold stripes could have evolved to augment and elaborate these dark lines .
7 Some news in brief now — an English High Court judge is this afternoon visiting a farm at the centre of attempts to sue chemicals firm Re-Chem .
8 The 7 to 11's is a valiant attempt with a heavier emphasis on ‘ education ’ but this age group is more console and arcade game orientated — it may not have the ‘ pace ’ to keep the users interest , without considerable parental encouragement — ten minutes of console for every half hour of Fun School 4 ?
9 But perhaps the old goat 's loosening up a bit , if Crawlspace 's latest slice of free spirit improvisation is any indicator of where LGJ 's personal musical taste is heading these days .
10 The propositions that this book addresses are that research is an important ingredient in the formation and implementation of effective policies and good practice in child care ; and that those who work in the child care services can not only incorporate research into their general experience , knowledge and skill but also contribute to it through their own careful observation and recording .
11 We 're always being told that what this country needs is more scientists , but often something seems to go wrong at school .
12 A major drawback with this design strategy was that testing of the complete system had to wait until all the components and their interfaces had been completed .
13 The reason behind this concentrated specialist activity is that Hardenberger , Howarth , and the BBC PO are making a record of the Maxwell Davies and Blake Watkins concertos together with Harrison Birtwistle 's Endless Parade , which last they performed so well and so memorably at York University last season .
14 In contrast to consensual security interests are those security interests that arise by operation of law .
15 The electrically-operated Antex Pipemaster is another tool which makes soldering joints safer and easier .
16 The Consumer Early Warning Service is another product introduced to help lenders limit consumer bad debt levels .
17 These early pension schemes were all rewards for loyalty to a narrow group of white collar staff , whose salaries were insufficient to allow them to retire like more prosperous middle-class professionals .
18 The Coronary Prevention Group is another charity playing a leading part in the advertising ban campaign .
19 The usual planting time is this month and October at a distance of four to six inches apart and five inches deep .
20 But the Iranian Basketball team are all casaulaties of war .
21 The fact that even companies with strong sporting images , such as BMW , have now decided to enter the UK 's fledgling diesel market is another indication that it is only a matter of time before there is a diesel option of every car currently on sale in petrol guise .
22 Jim won his club £100 making it a financial clean sweep for Annadale as the previous cash winners were all Striders
23 Competition within the white collar section is another nail in the coffin and an attempt to reduce to the paying conditions .
24 Standing opposed to these state institutions was another set of institutions more or less representing modernization and , so to speak , ‘ civil society ’ .
25 There were 490 members of the union and the nine-member Executive Committee were all women .
26 The future of the National Book Sales was this week thrown into doubt after Book Marketing Ltd announced that the summer sale , due to run from 3rd July to 7th August , had been cancelled because of a lack of support .
27 The ventral arm spines are more rugose than the dorsal ones and slightly curved or sabre shaped .
28 At the top of each assembly file is another super-box which encloses the entire assembly .
29 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
30 The Medical Research Council and National Radiological Protection Board are both contenders .
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