Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those whose interests were prejudiced by the events of 787 are likely to have joined the ranks of Offa 's enemies , and it was later believed that Archbishop Jaenberht even plotted with Charlemagne against Offa to guarantee him free entry into Kent if he should invade .
2 Success has been despite the somewhat confusing route plan initially imposed on the service south of the Thames by the necessity of incorporating the new service into an existing timetable without increasing mileage .
3 It was the nearest thing to a coherent defence system yet seen at Verdun .
4 Budgetary decentralization not only undermines the primacy of central establishments and finance divisions within departments , but also conflicts with the hierarchical command structure typically found in bureaucratic organizations .
5 They too , spoke enthusiastically about , for example , the opportunities offered by The Machine Gunners for emotional empathy with the world of the child versus the world of the adult ; the emotional pleasure pupils frequently found in empathizing with Billy 's relationship with the hawk , and the themes and topics raised by Kes ; the complex nature of the link between humans and animals offered as a theme in The Red Pony ; the thematic possibilities of the Irish location of Across the Barricades together with its handling of prejudice ; and the understanding of allegory and its special features which might be well illustrated by a reading of Animal Farm .
6 MORE than 2000 houses will be provided in Lothian over the next year in the largest investment programme yet undertaken by Scottish Homes .
7 It can be as utilitarian as the rigid polyurethane foam commonly used in the reinforcement of GRP bodyshells , or as elegant as the aluminium or Nomex honeycombs employed in pukka aerospace sandwich materials ( as seen recently through holes in the wings of Tornado jets involved in the Gulf conflict ) .
8 As such , it is a primitive defence mechanism often encountered in young children and , as we have seen , is the basis of projection , a self-evidently defensive measure .
9 Magnetic field therapy again originated in Europe and is particularly in vogue in Germany and Austria .
10 There is one large blunt apical papilla flanked by 3–4 oral papillae irregularly arranged on each side ; those nearest the apical papillae are conical the distalmost ones may be more spine-like .
11 It was a very different beauty from that of a 1930 's Alden ketch or a clipper-bowed Herreshof schooner so admired by the traditionalists .
12 ERIC Clapton , the British rock legend once ignored by the Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences , swept the Grammy Awards last night with a bittersweet song dedicated to his dead son .
13 Mail for GWM , MAR and Support Services ( including Advise Shop ) is written into the incoming mail book then distributed to them ( see Guidelines E ) .
14 As so often when we contemplate English village society much depended upon particular local conditions .
15 The widow of another exUDR man allegedly murdered with Casey 's help said she did not believe the allegations .
16 An incident electron wave singly scattered to the detector by atom α , and another electron wave doubly scattered by atoms α and β before reaching the detector , can be written ( refs 21 , 22 ; P.H. and D.A.K. , unpublished results ) respectively , where the exponents represent the phases of the scattered waves relative to the origin , and are the scattering factors for singly and doubly scattered waves respectively , containing curved-wave effects .
17 It has now aligned itself with Chorus Systemes SA , the French microkernel company partially owned by SVR4 proponent Unix System Laboratories .
18 On Sept. 30 Gorbachev named Yevgeny Primakov as head of the foreign intelligence operations formerly conducted by the KGB ( State Security Committee ) .
19 This latter was , at 682 minutes , the longest Test innings ever played for West Indies , and he had become so becalmed towards the end that his captain declared before he reached his double century .
20 ‘ We had the longest telephone talk ever known to the Lulling exchange last night .
21 Gastric ulcers were induced with our modifications of the acetic acid method originally described by Takagi et al .
22 Trying so hard not to weep at the demise of the old Post Office now replaced by a kit construction for other uses , I walked robotically to the cathedral like all the other tourists .
23 Pewter with a high lead content unsuitably used in the past for food vessels ( ! ) .
24 Cheltenham has been hit by a High Court ruling originally intended for another council in the northeast .
25 The Russian party leader , Ivan Polozkov , was another Politburo member publicly associated with conservative positions .
26 This ca n't be good for him , thought Denis , and he remembered the story he had read of an old man in England , although younger than Uncle Mick was now , who lined up to receive the very first old age pension ever issued in England and dropped down dead as soon as his money was passed over the counter to him .
27 Corollary Inc , Irvine , California , is another Unix stalwart recently attracted by the lure of volume shipments through NT ( No 389 ) .
28 Lindsay Toucher , divisional director , said : ‘ Our success in Aberdeen is based on the CCG philosophy to provide a high quality service exactly tailored to each client 's needs .
29 ST IVEL has come up with the first fresh yoghurt range especially made for young appetites .
30 But even then , when she was standing upright beside him , he made no attempt to release her hand and Rachel was only too aware of his appraising glance as he glanced down at the wet jade swimsuit tightly moulded to her slight , almost boyish figure before abruptly she snatched her hand away and walked quickly to the changing-rooms .
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