Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] have [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Claudio Abado was another who had worked hard towards making the evening a success , but was unable to be present .
2 He was a ‘ blackshirt ’ ( fascist ) and was one of fifty who had come up from London to act as stewards .
3 In 1855 Alexander had appointed his friend General V. I. Nazimov ( the reactionary who had clamped down on Moscow University in the last years of Nicholas I ) to the Governor-Generalship of the three provinces at issue .
4 The fears of those who had stayed away in 1964 were in danger of being realised in 1988 .
5 While those who had gone back to Braithwaite 's mill had been picked out of the crowd by wild little Oliver Rattrie , the eldest Rattrie boy — nineteen or twenty she supposed he 'd be by now — the twisted , crook-shouldered lad who had done more talking of pikes and pistols and bloody revolution than anybody else at the meetings in her back-yard .
6 The members of this group changed regularly , and were composed of those who had done well on this or that physical test .
7 When , at the end of the Second World War , France was liberated , those who had collaborated excessively with the Germans often had their hair cut off by the French Resistance .
8 When the trucks arrived we unloaded them , watching those who had fallen out on the march as they disembarked .
9 Meanwhile they replenished their land-holdings by conquest and by the confiscation of the estates of those who had fallen out of favour : rebels and criminals .
10 However , Ridley said that , through ex gratia payments by the government , those who had invested up to £50,000 would be able to recover 90 per cent of their investment ; investors would be able to recover 80 per cent of investments between £50,000 and £100,000 and 60 per cent of investments over £100,000 .
11 But even after the Equal Opportunities and Sex Discrimination Acts of 1975 , when the legal shackles were cast off , those who had grown up with them continued to tread carefully .
12 All this is a matter of statistics and arid generalities : but what the transformation of these local heaths meant to those who had grown up near them and upon them , what the change meant in detail , is revealed to us in the poetry of John Clare , who was born in 1793 on the edge of the heath country of northern Northamptonshire .
13 Among the young couples moving into the area were those who had dropped out of church life when they had left home to go to university , or when they got married .
14 Those who had fought together for the overthrow of Charles I , now bickered amongst themselves .
15 Gloucester fought in both battles and was later to endow prayers for those who had died there in his service .
16 Gloucester fought in both battles and was later to endow prayers for those who had died there in his service .
17 The revelation of such information could jeopardize sensitive investigations essential to the nation 's security , could place at risk the lives of those who had come forward with their suspicions to the police and could undermine the efforts of the police to prevent or detect serious crime .
18 We had just come out of a 12.30 matinee and the street was burning in the sun and those who had come out of the theatre was cool and real but the others in the street were moving in a white light that had them like shadows .
19 In it Christian psychiatrists , care workers , medical experts , ministers and those who had come out of the occult scene , spoke of the appalling wake of damage left by the occult .
20 The new young secretary of the BFASS , Louis Chamerovzow , described the aristocratic group as one whose antislavery feelings ‘ had not simply been re-awakened but in many instances actually created by Mrs. Stowe 's work ’ , distancing such newcomers from those who had laboured long in the cause .
21 ‘ Very soon after the campaign of unspeakable suffering had commenced , ’ James Butterworth wrote in 1932 , ‘ those who had laboured long in building up a club saw the once-hooligan juniors , who had become stalwart seniors , whipped away as by magic …
22 Jobs apart , looking young and sexy may still seem important and desirable to many of those who have grown up in a society which lays such emphasis on youth and sex .
23 I certainly hope you manage to trace him , Captain , or at least bring those who have made away with him to account . ’
24 ‘ It must proclaim , too , that responsibilities are as important as rights ; that there are no excuses for crime ; and that even those who have turned out to be bad can be helped to be good . ’
25 ‘ Slow down your eating ’ is excellent classic advice for those with a weight problem — and many of those who have struggled long in the battle of the bulge have probably read it before , and even tried to follow it .
26 Those who have been living near to parents or who have remained in very close touch with them , are going to feel the immediate absence of the parent they loved more keenly than those who have broken away from close family ties and kept up only a dutiful contact with father or mother .
27 Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions … and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new .
28 Those who have cottoned on to the streak of genius in Brittain 's seemingly eccentric modus operandi have struck a rich vein of gold as the stable 's horses are often priced a good deal longer than they should be .
29 Those who have worked harder at their relationship , allowing it to change and develop ( or perhaps those who are luckier — whichever way one chooses to look at it ) may be content together but external relationships will still change .
30 They therefore exclude married women , people who have retired early , those on Youth Training Schemes and other Employment Training ( ET ) courses , those who have returned unwillingly to school because they can not find jobs , those on short-time work , and others .
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