Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For every Palestinian who expressed doubts about the worth of returning , there were hundreds who would go back to what is now Israel if they had the opportunity to do so , people like David Damiani , a Christian whose family had been in Palestine since the time of the Crusades .
2 ‘ They say they have gathered in all who would come out from the north side down to Pitnacree , and the south side as far up as Kenmore. , ‘ The Grandtully crowd ?
3 Er they they did n't go out with the cart , just with a regular who used to go out with the with the horses and carts .
4 It concerned me deeply that the men going back to Burma should have a smattering of the language , especially those who would go in with the Wingate levies into occupied Burma .
5 David Gower , Jack Russell , Mark Ilott and Mark Lathwell are among those who should come back into contention for Lord 's .
6 Five of those who 'd come in with Martinho had disappeared subsequently .
7 While the really poor live in privately-owned , deteriorating homes — and about 90 per cent of the houses in Britain are still privately-owned — the new council houses are occupied by those who will pay up to twice or three times as much in rent , even after allowing for a subsidy of at least 8s. 6d. a week , and often far more , out of the general rates and taxes .
8 It is all too easy to get people who will tell you the nice things , and after all there is not a lot that you can do about that , but those who will stand up without fear or favour and tell you , hopefully tactfully , that things are not really the way that everybody else thinks they are pearls beyond price .
9 To that representative of the religious élite who by his bland statement , ‘ How happy are those who will sit down at the feast in the Kingdom of God ! , ’ revealed that he counted on a reserved seat , our Lord told the parable of the Great Feast .
10 The winners are those who can keep up with best standards of quality and reliable supply and still maintain low international prices in a cut-throat business .
11 it seems as if there were people in medieval and earlier times , aware of the significance of particular sites , who have , in some way we do not fully understand , left instructions and clues which can be followed by those who can tune in to them .
12 hello there … welcome to the empty manager 's office at the Manor Ground … the desk is clear … the chair vacant who will take over from Brian Horton … we 've a competition for you tonight in which you can vote for who you want to be the new Oxford United manager … but what a weekend it 's been and Central South of course was first with the news that shook the football world …
13 hello there … welcome to the empty manager 's office at the Manor Ground … the desk is clear … the chair vacant who will take over from Brian Horton … we 've a competition for you tonight in which you can vote for who you want to be the new Oxford United manager … but what a weekend it 's been and Central South of course was first with the news that shook the football world …
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