Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [prep] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 By July 1980 the Midland had agreed to buy a 51% stake for $595m and to buy a further 6% at $225m over the next three years .
2 I join the House in expressing sympathy to the families who have been so griveously bereaved through this tragedy , a tragedy that has been the experience of so many of the British people in Ulster over the past 20 years .
3 If the flat only has one entrance/exit ( which it will because it is not on the ground floor ) , it should have a fire escape , or some means of escape over a balcony or roof .
4 In fact , the courts have progressively narrowed this species of manslaughter over the last century or so : there was a time when the mere commission of a tort or civil wrong sufficed as the ‘ unlawful act ’ , and when there was no additional requirement of ‘ dangerousness ’ to be satisfied .
5 Fleischmann then showed a proposal that he and Pons had submitted to the Department of Energy ( DOE ) in Washington requesting financial support for them to carry through a definitive series of experiments over a period of three years .
6 In a remarkable series of investigations over the past four years , the MMC has examined the practices in beer , petroleum , and motor vehicle supply .
7 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
8 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
9 And it has suffered an extraordinary series of mishaps over the past decade .
10 ‘ Do you know , ’ I asked a market trader as I met the fine working people of Motherwell over the weekend , ‘ that this country 's public sector borrowing requirement expressed as a percentage of Gross National Product is running at a completely unacceptable level ? ’
11 Unless working-class children are given linguistic means of control over the disciplines of the curriculum , and situations in the outside world , they are unlikely to stand much chance of being upwardly mobile .
12 SOMALIA : Clan warfare and anarchic violence have led to the deaths of more than 10,000 people in Somalia over the past 18 months , according to an Amnesty International report , Somalia : A Human Rights Disaster , published on 5 August .
13 A French Basque , Henri Parot , arrested at a routine roadblock outside Seville on April 2 with 300 kg of explosives in his car , admitted that he was the leader of the " itinerant commando " of the Basque separatist organization ETA which had killed at least 33 people in Spain over the past 12 years , including Gen. Victor Lago Roman in Madrid in 1982 [ see p. 32803 ] and the Madrid prosecutor Carmen Tagle on Sept. 12 , 1989 .
14 There have been an enormous series of changes over the last ten or fifteen years , and maybe some school teachers would be glad if it slowed down a little bit to make their life a little easier , I do n't know .
15 It must be all or nothing , ’ he declared , appealing to the American people from Korea over the President 's head .
16 This is not good news for Leeds who are coming upto a difficult series of games over the next month .
17 The 14 Felixstowe club members averaged 14 oz per man over the two legs to the average of four and half oz for the six Clacton members to take the cup .
18 The need for properly enforceable means of control over the supervision and maintenance of reservoirs becomes increasingly urgent . ’
19 Honda 's confident of creating another eight hundred people at Swindon over the next two years .
20 Though they admitted a whole series of assaults over the previous three years , they disputed their frequency , he said in his closing speech .
21 This had led to a lengthy series of negotiations over the sort of contracts which should bind printers in his new plant .
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