Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Ephraim Hallam Charity promised £18,500 , and a further £4,000 was donated while the School was being built ; £2,000 came from the Brownell Charity ; Mr. G. H. Norris , a Governor and Old Boy gave £1,000 .
2 UN officials in Peking said today 257 people were killed when a dam burst in China last week and not 1,257 as reported by the world body in Geneva yesterday .
3 There was some shooting — some people were injured but the people from Moloch , they 're okay , I think … . ’
4 Only 30 people were injured and the resultant fires did n't last for long , so speculation about how many injuries or how much damage there would have been if people had been up and about is pointless .
5 On 8 January 1989 , at Kegworth , 47 people were killed when a British Midland 737 crashed while attempting an emergency landing .
6 All Japanese people were taught that the aggressive foreign policies pursued in the 1930s-1940s were Japan 's destiny .
7 The authorities denied that " ethnic rivalry " had been a factor in rioting in the town of Labe in Middle Guinea region on Oct. 29 , 1989 , in which six people were killed and the town 's police station was set on fire .
8 In the most serious incident in the UK six people were hurt when a glass screen exploded above the entrance to The Glades shopping centre in Bromley , Kent earlier this year .
9 Campaigners against the regulations were working to undermine the time-honoured alliance between medicine and morality but the healer who deployed his art ‘ honourably and fully ’ could never be in antagonism with divine law.It was believed that the curative functions of medicine provided their own moral guarantee .
10 When these data were combined and the presence of at least one of the following ( serum HBeAg , serum HBV DNA , liver HBcAg ) taken to indicate viral replication , markers of viral replication were observed preoperatively in 13 of 15 patients .
11 At King 's Cross on 18 November 1988 , 31 people were killed when a fire rapidly spread through the Underground ticket hall .
12 Twenty-seven people were arrested when the police finally got the camp back under control in the early evening .
13 THREE people were injured when a number of vehicles crashed on the Rushyford-Woodham back road at Eldon junction last night .
14 The history , culture and knowledge of these people were denigrated and the contributions they had made to European thought forgotten .
15 ONE MAN was killed and eight people were wounded when a Russian Su-25 warplane raided Sukhumi , capital of the secessionist Georgian province of Abkhazia , Georgian officials reported yesterday .
16 The strike action came as the culmination of two weeks of widespread price riots and strikes by 80,000 public sector workers , during which 7,000 people were arrested and an estimated four killed , with 12 others wounded , as the Army and the police confronted protestors looting shops and markets around the country .
17 More data were required but the availability of quantitative data in atmospheric , hydrological and coastal processes , for example , together with the collection of information associated with national mapping programmes such as those for soil survey , produced a situation in which the need for further process studies was highly desirable .
18 In 1972 at Buffalo Creek , West Virginia , 125 people were killed when a carelessly maintained dam burst ( Stern 1976 : 3 ) and at Willow Island , West Virginia , fifty-one people died when a cooling tower collapsed as a result of safety violations ( Kennedy 1978 ) .
19 At a meeting at Essex County Hospital he outlined priorities for care , such as cases where patients were in immediate danger or disabled people were involved and the council had a statutory obligation to act .
20 At least 16 people were killed when an artillery shell exploded in a crowded Sarajevo market yesterday .
21 At dawn the death toll rose still further in the worst disaster since 1952 , when 13 people were killed after a car left the track at Weyberg , Rhineland , Germany .
22 Some local people fear that if the transfer goes ahead on March 31 there will be a repeat of a crash at Hawes last April in which 13 people were hurt when a limestone lorry ran out of control .
23 Five people were killed when a bomb exploded close to the hotel where New Zealand 's cricketers were staying — and the shocked Kiwis promptly called off their tour .
24 FIVE people were hurt after a rogue rocket flew into the crowd at a firework display organised by the local fire brigade .
25 Meetings of more than five people were banned and a night curfew was imposed on the western area of Timis near the Yugoslav and Hungarian borders .
26 On one Sunday at least 40 people were converted and no service was held at which there were not several conversions .
27 One man was killed and more than 40 people were injured when a bomb exploded at 7.46 a.m. on Feb. 18 at Victoria Station , London , just before the start of the morning rush-hour .
28 A week of national mourning was announced after more than 150 people were killed when a passenger train collided with a goods train near Dolisie on Sept. 6 .
29 Two hundred people were evacuated and a swimming pool cleared as firemen fought the blaze for three hours .
30 In a shoot-out with security forces at least two people were killed after the fugitives took hostage the Deputy Justice Minister Eduardo Mendoza and Col. Hernando Navas , director-general of prisons ( both eventually released unharmed ) .
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