Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Henry embarked on a course in herbal medicine and it was during this that she heard about the Gerson therapy .
2 In fact , she was very old ; she was twenty-four years old and she worked in the mill and earned eight shillings a week .
3 She was pretty and popular and she lived for the moment .
4 She would not travel on the underground or in an aeroplane , and felt panicky if she went into a department store and was too far from the door or windows .
5 Afraid that at any moment someone would shout ‘ Grab her ! ’ and drag her off to some unspecified yet ineluctable torment , she forced herself at least to look calm while she sat at the console on the dais .
6 She considered all this as she listened to the heated opinions forced upon her outside the shop ( where the throbbing engine of the Findus delivery van obliged everyone to shout ) , on the corner by the church and at two other points on her route back to Greystones .
7 She debated the likelihood of this as she strolled around the crowded exhibition at Olympia , too preoccupied to take in much of her surroundings .
8 The penguin felt embarrassed as she gazed into the black , unblinking seal eyes .
9 The Queen looked drawn and unsmiling as she arrived at the games with Prince Philip , Prince Edward and the Queen Mother .
10 We talked as we went along , but Jane 's conversation became increasingly vague and absent-minded as she concentrated on the work in hand .
11 The other girl made no attempt to hide her disgust as she turned back to the books lying before her on the table , and Rory felt her spirits sink still further as she headed for the door .
12 The Minister for Health sought to defend the indefensible when she wrote in a recent letter to The Guardian about the abolition of the tests .
13 She felt more alive than she had for a long time .
14 She was enjoying herself so much that she stayed on the floor longer than she should have done and it was only when she saw Mrs Freer making furious faces at her from the doorway that she turned and glided back .
15 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
16 The operation , originally planned for early afternoon , was re-scheduled and it was n't until quarter to six that she returned to the ward , still feeling groggy from the anaesthetic .
17 He produced newspaper cuttings proving that BB came to Nefta but I am not convinced that she stayed in the Hotel de la Liberté , whose plumbing leaves everything to be desired .
18 Mrs Lomax did n't exactly shrink back , but she seemed nervous as she glanced over the instruments .
19 Fearing that Austrian reprisals might be possible if she stayed on the continent , Hortense decided to take her son to England , stopping off in Paris on their way in the hope that the new King , Louis-Philippe , might allow her to stay there , at least for a time .
20 Since she was not particularly enamoured of Madame de Montijo it is little wonder that she arrived at the Cathedral in a state of high discontent .
21 I have seen photographs of her ( looking it must be admitted not much younger than she did at the time in which this story is set ) , across which she has signed herself ‘ Mademoiselle ’ , and sometimes ‘ Miss ’ .
22 Nils shoved her hard and she fell into the deep satin embrace of a sofa .
23 She turned up when Laura was married in 1984 and she stood at the back of the church because she did not want to detract from the bride 's big day .
24 It was a relief therefore to make for the frozen shore where the parson was protesting that his wife would be safer and more comfortable if she remained in the carriage .
25 Billie could n't believe the cold and she rushed towards the warmth of the terminal .
26 ‘ So Father was forced to make a choice between Mother , and his fiancée and Venice , ’ she said , her face soft as she thought of the power of romance .
27 She was thus entitled to be as forthright as she wished about the travellers , who kept camping in the council yard and various public spaces and were cordially loathed by the local residents , whether they admitted it or not .
28 During the holiday her arm felt so lifeless that she went to a local Swiss hospital for an X-ray .
29 She was not entirely sure that she believed in the existence of the unicorn .
30 Although I had already spoken to her about past lives , Maxine was not at all sure that she believed in the concept .
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