Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] they would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
2 So when the cry came , that first cry which heralds life , had anyone been passing the house at that moment , it is doubtful that they would have heard it .
3 But it is doubtful whether they would have had any opportunity even to attempt that massive task if the years of the War had not profoundly changed public attitudes , and even softened the mind if not the heart of that great enemy of education and old boy of Harrow , Winston Churchill .
4 For the reformers ' vision of a fully-developed hierarchy , each man with his own sphere of competence , all subject to canon law and all beneath the discipline of the papal rod , evoked a mixture of admiration and envy in those laymen , accustomed to deference , whose position in the ecclesiastical scheme was lower than they would have wished .
5 To heat the building to a reasonable temperature would have cost so much that they would have needed to charge a substantial entrance fee !
6 As far as temperature went , the cut-off point was 6°C — when the temperature was below this no bats at all were detected , presumably because they would have needed to use more energy keeping warm than they would have got from the relatively few insects available for food .
7 These exquisitely preserved gastropods are largely free of the enclosing matrix , and look now much as they would have done 60 million years ago .
8 Slack stuff from the Republic who did n't increase their goal difference by as much as they would have liked .
9 Is it likely that they would have kissed ?
10 It is not clear whether they are issues in which Marx was ever really involved ; if he had been , then it would seem likely that they would have played a more important role in his later work .
11 All that they would have to do is use their highly versatile voices to mimic the pattern of sound that would be produced by echoes from a particular object .
12 They found the bridge , when they arrived there , to be all that they would have expected a bridge on such a yacht to be , with a plethora of expensive and largely unnecessary navigational aids , but in all respects perfectly innocuous .
13 and of course her mum moved to Cornwall and Deborah bought the house of off her , a bit cheaper than they would have bought on the they moved down to Cornwall and they bought a much smaller house , much , much smaller .
14 The report alleged that warnings of a terrorist bombing went unheeded because they would have exposed the " drugs-for-hostages " deal .
15 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
16 ‘ At first I was upset by this development , ’ said one official , ‘ but then I realised that with so many places selling the same things either they would go bust or they would have to channel their efforts into other , more necessary things . ’
17 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd where they would have had access to MS-DOS .
18 Hence a depressed person may well remember their childhood as considerably less happy than they would have done if asked the same questions before the onset of their current depressive symptoms .
19 Unfortunately for Tory Anglicans , things got out of hand , and they had to concede much more than they would have wanted ( most obviously on the central issue of the transfer of the Crown ) .
20 Boris Saltykov , the minister of science , believes that Soros 's commitment has spurred Western governments into doing more than they would have done otherwise .
21 They were bound to have things in common , even if the difference in age made it unlikely that they 'd have overlapped at university .
22 Although the British offered assurances that they would still work towards freer trade relations as circumstances permitted , the multilateralists in Washington had been compelled to settle for much less than they would have liked .
23 By then the office would be busy and they would have to contrive a meeting where they would be unobserved .
24 It claimed patients would have more choice over which hospital they went to , but in fact they would have less because they would have to go to the hospital with which their district health authority had placed a contract , he said .
25 We know that they brought other domestic animals with them but it is inconceivable that they would have taken a wild cat from the mainland .
26 Well that 's true erm and indeed , erm there is nothing we do which erm requires universities to erm to do anything other than they would have wanted to anyway .
27 Another mile or so , another thirty seconds at the most and they would have dropped harmlessly in the Channel . ’
28 Had Koi then bred true , in way of breeds of dog , it is debatable whether they would have captured and maintained the fascination of their keepers around the world .
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