Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [vb mod] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 He has already made clear that he will demand a commitment to electoral reform in the first Queen 's Speech of a new government as the price for Liberal Democrat support .
2 The SNP leader , Alex Salmond , has already made clear that he could tolerate a deal with Labour .
3 Kate had told him that at present there were only women in the house and it seemed sensible that he should have a woman with him , particularly as it was Kate who had first broken the news .
4 The Interior Minister , Gen. Victor Malca Villanueva announced on July 12 that he would present a proposal to the Congress on July 15 for the " total restructuring of the national police force " owing to " enormous corruption within its ranks " .
5 Of course Herman loves her whisperings — for he is always convinced that he will catch a word or two — but all he has ever heard was when she was going from the dining-room to the drawing-room after lunch with him , and she whispered : ‘ I hate sauces .
6 Craddock in a year or two would be retiring and he would need a replacement .
7 Although the Church of the period lamented Charles ' sexual vigour and lack of suppressive morality , to the modern imagination it seems remarkable that he could rule a vast empire and still have time to devote to three concubines .
8 Informed sources said it was likely that he would make a televised statement today .
9 McKean looks much happier when he can control a heat from the front .
10 ‘ But since then Colin has become a champion so I 'm quite sure that he would like a fairly substantial purse for the fight .
11 He was not sure that he would need a weapon , but there was no harm in being prepared .
12 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
13 He welcomed Father Gallagher once again in the diocese , confident that he would give a stimulating and informative day .
14 The former Soviet Jewish dissident Nathan Sharansky , who emigrated to Israel in 1986 [ see pp. 34187-88 ] , announced on April 17 that he would form a political party to contest the June elections .
15 Rejecting Democratic appeals to outline a specific deficit reduction strategy , Bush stated on May 17 that he would make a public address on the issue " when we get a solution " .
16 In 1986 he bagged 118 first-class victims at 18 apiece and , as long as he can maintain a fair degree of fitness this season , a second 100-wicket tally looks very much on the cards .
17 The process of identity formation seems to support an individual 's ego identity as long as he can preserve a certain element of deliberate tentativeness of autonomous choice .
18 and as long as he could give a residence
19 He was quite content with the food as long as he could have a plentiful supply of fillet steaks and his daily dose of freshly squeezed orange juice .
20 Not only did this geezer Kev Knowles agree to turn out for us , he also said he would look after the programme as long as he could incorporate a number of religious tracts .
21 After a warning from President Lech Walesa on July 3 that he would name a Cabinet himself if a majority government were not immediately forthcoming , eight political parties accelerated their negotiations and proposed Hanna Suchocka as Prime Minister .
22 ‘ But now I am concerned that he might have a different response this year ! ’
23 ‘ They do n't mind so much now I 've got a few trophies in a case that they can show their friends and boast about it , ’ Carlos Francis recollected his parents ' change of posture after it became evident that he could make a career out of soccer .
24 In her opinion , it was unlikely that he would get a place at Cedars at such a late stage in the year .
25 But he would be quite safe because he would keep a sharp look-out for anything and everything , and he would not be captured because no Longhand ever had been captured .
26 When he reaches back into his jacket pocket for that inevitable pack of cheap cigars I 'm watching him as carefully as a dog with a drunken master , unsure whether he 'll get a kick or a bowl of food .
27 The day comes in the life of every single man living alone when he must give a dinner party , however unpretentious , and that day had now arrived for Rupert Stonebird .
28 The Deputy Prime Minister , Encik Abdul Ghafar Baba , announced on Dec. 27 that he would head a newly formed Sabah National Front ( Sabah Barisan Nasional ) — consisting of the People 's Justice Movement ( Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat — Akar ) , the Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) , the Malaysian Chinese Association ( MCA ) , the United Malays National Organization ( UMNO ) and the United National Sabah Organization ( USNO ) — to oppose the Sabah United Party ( Parti Bersatu Sabah ) at the next state elections .
29 If someone is to be tried for matters as serious as those for which Mr. Beck was tried and to receive the condign punishment that Mr. Beck received , it is essential that he should have a fair trial and that he should be given every opportunity to deploy his defence .
30 They deal with awards of provisional damages where the plaintiff proves or the defendant admits that there is a chance that the plaintiff 's health will change or will get worse because he may develop a serious disease or suffer a serious deterioration in his mental or physical condition .
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