Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb past] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This time he seemed ill at ease and jumpy and I noticed his face was slick with perspiration when he spun to greet me .
2 He looked offended but I guessed his idea of discretion was swapping his length of lead pipe for a rubber truncheon .
3 ‘ Morrissey had a wonderful twist of phrase ’ , says Muir today , ‘ His writing was really witty — really very clever but I found his personality fascinating which is why I decided to publish . ’
4 Too many years ago to be worth mentioning , I had a boyfriend who failed to understand the religious nature of my viewing , any more than I understood his motivation in inviting me to view along side of him .
5 I felt up from thigh to hip , and leaned close where I judged his face to be , but never a breath or a sign of life .
6 For a second we were close and I saw his eyes .
7 My particular dodger , who claimed to be selling household items , became very frightened when I took his photograph through the leaded front door window .
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