Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it is [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the accident estimate could logically be independent of the actual exemplar of the junction that a subject was shown it is clear that it is in fact strongly related to the risk rating given to particular exemplars .
2 This statement might be misunderstood by readers to imply that unsafe sex elsewhere is somehow less risky than it is in London .
3 Everyone gets very wet but it is worth while getting soaked if it saves even one glider from serious damage .
4 Unemployment is rising in every European country except in Spain , but there it is twice as high as it is in Britain .
5 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
6 Occasionally this can be interesting as it is in Bintley 's Consort Lessons ( 1984 ) .
7 But this full equilibrium position , at C , is inferior to the one at which inflation is zero and unemployment is equal to its natural rate , point B. This is clear from the fact that both have the same unemployment rate , but point C has a higher inflation rate ; it is also indicated by the fact that at point C the popularity of the government is lower than it is at point B. We therefore have the odd result that the position which is optimal , point B , is not feasible , whereas the position that is feasible is sub-optimal .
8 Parents generally worry less about the sexual behaviour of their sons , and teaching boys about sex and contraception is sometimes considered less crucial than it is for girls .
9 But even an issue such as camping can become rather central if it is of importance to one partner .
10 But in practice , modern Earthly life is a protege of water , as much as it is of carbon .
11 Uncertainty is the enemy of marketers as much as it is of City markets .
12 This matters because recent discussion shows Weber 's conception of class ( Wright , 1985 ) to be determined by production just as much as it is by Marx , but that Weber is concerned with consequences in terms of market exchanges , whereas Marx focuses on exploitation .
13 Enthusiasm in other Eastern European parliaments is waning too , but not as much as it is in Poland because Poland 's politics is even more fragmented than that of other countries .
14 There is no space here , central though it is to Callinicos ' argument as a whole , to do other than note how this perspective is then deployed not only to counter poststructuralism but also significantly to modify the position of its main critic , Habermas .
15 For the Christian today it is obvious that it is in time spent alone with God in reading the Bible , meditating on the words of Jesus , listening to God , that we will be impressed by particular truth .
16 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
17 Such material is not helpful if it is on sheets that have become dirty or faded ; shortages of text material are disadvantageous for all pupils , but especially so for pupils with poor vision .
18 Yes I think it 's fair to say at the moment that , that , that is being looked at Mr Trotter , together with er the broader range of issues on the er the operating concept er for E F two thousand but it is of course standard practice to buy not just the number you need for the front line but to buy sufficient aircraft to keep that front line in field for about twenty five , thirty years , whatever the life of the aircraft happens to be , taking account of er attrition , taking account of training requirements and engineering needs and support needs and all that kind of thing and all that work er is , has been done , is being done at the moment and er final figures will be put to that in in due course .
19 19.2 Except as otherwise provided herein , no addition , amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by and on behalf of both Parties .
20 No amendment or other variation shall be effective unless it is in writing , is dated and is signed by or on behalf of both parties .
21 No amendment or other variation shall be effective unless it is in writing , is dated and is signed by or on behalf of both parties .
22 No amendment or other variation shall be effective unless it is in writing , is dated and is signed by or on behalf of both parties .
23 The speed of sound in water is roughly four times as great as it is in air .
24 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
25 Due process is not appropriate in the diagnosis and treatment of crime any more than it is in medicine , since the scientific investigative process does not and should not proceed along legalistic lines .
26 Generally , the effect on triglyceride metabolism of excellent diabetic control is more profound than it is on cholesterol and LDL .
27 Perhaps the most important advance is the recognition of the need to place the child 's interests and welfare above any other considerations — although this may prove simpler in the abstract than it is in practice .
28 I remain unshaken in my belief that the curriculum in the primary years must meet the intellectual , emotional , social and physical needs of the children who are undertaking it and that effective education has to be child-centred because it is with children that teachers work .
29 Threfore , accurate diagnosis of H pylori in these patients is at least as important as it is in patients not taking NSAID .
30 Take your own advantage of the difficult atmosphere by realizing that things can not get much worse so it is worth while going out on a limb to say what you want to say without worrying about causing a negative reaction !
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