Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Israeli delegation rejoined the talks on Nov. 12 after it had received written US assurances that Hallaj 's membership of the PNC had lapsed in 1991 .
2 Since Malinowski made no secret of his earthy , materialist view of man 's motives it is odd that it has taken modern exponents of transactional analysis and game theory so long to recognize his pioneering achievements in this field .
3 The speed of change was such that it had become difficult to keep up with developments of which perhaps ‘ we have not yet seen the end ’ .
4 Robert 's parents , Garry and Thelma , both 26 , paid for the second operation which was carried out in November 1991 and it has proved successful .
5 In many ways I was greatly relieved as it had become obvious to me that he was n't well .
6 I hit my pillow so hard that it has looked reproachful ever since . )
7 At the Point stood the black and white lighthouse and the coast guard station , silhouetted now , for dusk was falling fast and it had turned chilly .
8 use that but it 's got dirty now .
9 This problem is so great that it has become fashionable to call for a new kind of organization to put in place of managerial hierarchy , an organization that will better meet the requirements of what is variously called the Information Age , the Services Age or the Post-lndustrial Age .
10 Unfortunately it is crucial to know which species of snake is involved because snake poisons are so complex that it has proved impossible to develop a ‘ multi-venin' that will treat all forms of snakebite .
11 Certainly , it will need to work hard to make up for lost time ; the party has neglected the cause of democratic socialism in the North for far too long and it has allowed would-be Labour activists to become demoralised .
12 Doors of the hatch can be hinged or sliding , or even a lift-down flap , as long as it 's got adequate support .
13 Even so , the decision of the 19th Palestine National Council in November 1988 to take this highly accommodationist road was not an easy one , and was only possible because it had become apparent that the world now recognized that no substantive peace negotiations were likely to materialize without formal PLO participation .
14 The Colombian government announced on June 1 that it had granted diplomatic asylum to the former President ( in 1985-1990 ) , Alan García Pérez , the secretary-general of Peru 's American Popular Revolutionary Alliance ( APRA ) .
15 No justification therefore exists for treating subfertile women with contraceptive drugs , and the endometriosis should be considered to be coincidental unless it has caused tubal and ovarian damage that requires repair .
16 Quarrelling among siblings is so common that it has become accepted as ‘ normal ’ .
17 That 's definitely green cos it 's got green on it
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